Comment history

realtalkonli says...

carlh57 gotta be a hatian,grand Bahamian or european

On Top executive defends Atlantis

Posted 30 June 2012, 7:27 p.m. Suggest removal

realtalkonli says...

I showing u Jed..dey just concern cuz dey ain getting a piece of da pie..but ain't the Bahamas a "Christian nation"? What the Christian councel have to say bout dat? Prolly getting their cut too

On Vote on gambling 'before end of year'

Posted 28 June 2012, 8:44 p.m. Suggest removal

realtalkonli says...

@mynameis..the blood of others who had enough evidence to be considered guilty was set free just because this man is a free mason. The blood of others rest upon his head as well and if you think it's ok to get s murder, rapist, robber etc of da hook then u a damn fool just like the people running ya country!

On 'Doctor fondled my breasts', court hears

Posted 28 June 2012, 7:02 p.m. Suggest removal

realtalkonli says...

Good story I think I did saw Barack n Michelle in club LIV

On Renaldo's Ramblings: Final Lessons

Posted 28 June 2012, 5:32 a.m. Suggest removal

realtalkonli says...

Grand Bahamians to divided dawg...yall is act like the other Islands is immigrants to yall. Straighten up Jed cuz last time I check no matter what Island you born on da world stil label u as a Bahamian. In August when dem athletes fro diff Islands get out da blocks yall still ga b reppin one flag n das da black blue n gold not the Grand Bahama port authority n ishh..who dem white people is anyway ?

realtalkonli says...

Yo this justice system seem to love this Ducille guy...I think he is Jamaican also. We should pay more attention to him and look at the people he usually gets free although enough evidence was filed against them. He should be hanged.

On 'Doctor fondled my breasts', court hears

Posted 28 June 2012, 4:40 a.m. Suggest removal

realtalkonli says...

He straight, he have on a freemason pin

realtalkonli says...

That's real talk jed kurlz my deepest condolences goes to the family of Mico. Hold firm Rhano as Mico rest peacefully . Rest on lil bro!! Everytime I pad up or dribble the ball I ga remember how u used to watch me hoop n how u always smiling. By far one of the dreadest lil woedai I knew.

On Tributes paid to 16-year-old

Posted 27 June 2012, 6:11 a.m. Suggest removal

realtalkonli says...


realtalkonli says...

I don't understand humans. If this mother was lying like the rest saying her son was a 'good boy' swearing for him n ish, everyone would have been upset because of the incident leading to his death but she was honest enough to admit her son wasn't the best and instead of getting the remorse and respect she deserve y'all bashing her for no reasons, just based on what y'all hear n from who? No man should be above the law no matter what but yet he is the problem right? Wow no wonder the Bahamas is such a wonderful place . Oh and for the ones that feel like this was 'good' for the mother, you prolly to ignorant to detect the sarcasm in that last statement but oh believe me, its there.