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redlight says...

A Crime is a Crime?, Rory you have a very self righteous outlook on activities of your citizens. Some legislated crimes make no sense to even be a crime. Especially activities that have to do with peoples personal choices, that only effect them personally. I recall that buggery was a crime so should we have locked up all Gay men that indulged in their chosen sexual activity. You should really consider what your saying. If you don't want to live in a society that is free from government interfering in your personal choices than move to Cuba, you would get along well in that dictatorship. The majority of us Bahamians are capable of running our own lives and making our owns choices without having the government blindly legislating human activity that they can not control. I would behoove you to step out of your narrow box and do some research on the war on drugs it might change your view point.


Posted 30 September 2013, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

redlight says...

What about the cocaine and prescription drug dealers, where are those arrests. I agree this is a waste of tax payers money. Go catch real criminals.


Posted 29 September 2013, 8:57 p.m. Suggest removal

redlight says...

What we need to be doing is legalizing Marijuana. Marijuana is not the cause of our social ills. The legal ramifications as a result of possessing Marijuana is the problem. Criminal records are the highest impediment for young males to find gainful employment and as a result of not being able to obtain a job they revert to criminal activity. we need to get real

These police officers are parading around their self righteous achievements like they are achieving something. it is not helping


Posted 29 September 2013, 8:53 p.m. Suggest removal