Comment history says...

A further Update to those following this story, is since the erroneous letter was sent to the Editor , Rentokil has been inundated with calls to carry out the very thing we don't do. Luckily we have been able to persuade most to still allow us to capture and release.

On Rentokil: No raccoons are killed

Posted 28 January 2023, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal says...

On Why would killing raccoons be okay?

Posted 27 January 2023, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal says...

On Growing cruelty to animals

Posted 27 January 2023, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal says...

A Letter to the Editor published in yesterday’s Bahamas Tribune (January 25) erroneously stated that Rentokil Initial poisons and kills raccoons as part of our pest control service. We wish to clearly state that we do not harm raccoons. We do not poison or kill them. We offer a Catch and release service whereby the raccoons are caught without harm and re-located to a non Urban environment out West of the island. (The Eastern side of the island is currently where a population explosion appears to be happening.)
Tins of Sardines are used as the bait and no poison of any kind is involved in the process. Our technicians are highly trained and equipped to carry out the job safely without any harm whatsoever to the raccoons. Our process has been reviewed and validated by the Bahamas Humane Society with whom we continue to work closely to carry out our services in an environmentally sustainable manner.

On Abuse of animals

Posted 26 January 2023, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal says...

A Letter to the Editor published in yesterday’s Bahamas Tribune (January 25) erroneously stated that Rentokil Initial poisons and kills raccoons as part of our pest control service. We wish to clearly state that we do not harm raccoons. We do not poison or kill them. We offer a Catch and release service whereby the raccoons are caught without harm and re-located to a non Urban environment out West of the island. (The Eastern side of the island is currently where a population explosion appears to be happening.)
Tins of Sardines are used as the bait and no poison of any kind is involved in the process. Our technicians are highly trained and equipped to carry out the job safely without any harm whatsoever to the raccoons. Our process has been reviewed and validated by the Bahamas Humane Society with whom we continue to work closely to carry out our services in an environmentally sustainable manner.

On Why would killing raccoons be okay?

Posted 26 January 2023, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal says...

Hi everyone I'm the General Manager, Mark McCluskey for rentokil and the letter sent to the Editor is incorrect. We do not poison or Kill Raccoons, **we offer a catch and release service only.**

We have in fact refused customers requests for harming them. We place traps, using sardines as bait, capture alive and relocate them away from where we trapped them to a non urban enviroment out West in the forested areas.

No Raccoons are killed. Whether the letter to the editor is a genuine mistake made by the sender or something else we are not sure. But we do not kill Raccoons, the letter is wrong.

We have spoken to the Humane society today to confirm and they spoke to numerous members of our team.

We catch and release only.

We are happy to tell that to anyone who wishes to call us on 322 2157 and correct the incorrect information being given out.

On Growing cruelty to animals

Posted 26 January 2023, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal