Comment history

retsof18 says...

This smoky looking gremlin needs to stay in his league, assigned by his appointment.

On ‘That’s not your job, Mr Speaker’

Posted 21 February 2020, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

retsof18 says...

The British/ Great Britain negotiated/ signed that agreement with the Americans/ US before they pulled out of the Bahamas.

retsof18 says...

Please, the people are frustrate let that woman go!

retsof18 says...

What say what, this is rather startling what I am hearing with the collections of the BahamIan people's company B.E.C money

How could you allow an invested foreign company drill you with rubbish like losing Bahamian 100 jobs, that's black mail

That company/ Hotel assets should be freezed & they should be locked up in jail!


What are we holding for about 3 months after a foreign investing company close for good in the Bahamas, as 'cash' against that company's arrears?

*Where are the economist do we have any here?

Listen man cut these lousy foreign investors who are drawing / veining our system for their gain

They are laughing at us you know, man wise UP!

On Miller: top hotel owes BEC $10m

Posted 11 June 2013, 4 a.m. Suggest removal

retsof18 says...

Its called retribution no one told these less off animals to terrorise innocent decent people of morals in this Bahamas society.
You are talking crap about air condition!
Let them terrorise you & your family for one week lets see how your tongue gets twisted!
You have never feel the brunt!

retsof18 says...

But who can change them here on earth, or will there be a great vision from God for Man in his manifestation!
These supposing activist are too weak, they rely on outside problems to manifested Bahamian problems!

retsof18 says...

This situation needs to be addressed quite quickly!

To say what this Cargill man has with 'NIB' from hence on!
Is he still a staff at 'NIB?'
Come on man get over this mess.

And, listen to all these political 'jonsers' N.I.B. is NOT for your ride/ manipulations!

stop wasting my retirement money!

On Claim over award of contracts

Posted 15 May 2013, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal

retsof18 says...

This seems to be a conflict of interest!
Is there a paper trail for the rebated cash!
I never trusted Wallace when he was down in Barbados trying to sell/trade the Bahamian people into CSME; So that he/ Wallace can get a hefty position after the betrayal.
Now explain this one! Mr. Seller/ Trader.

retsof18 says...

Minnis mixed right UP!
Minnis always behind the eight ball!
Minnis is a loose canon!
Minnis messed up on medicine not being in P.M.H.
Minnie is a hearsayer.

retsof18 says...

Man it's sad knowing you can not drive home safely anymore!
If you relised that you are being followed, drive to a nearest police station or the nearest fill up/ gas station & then sound your vehicle hound like you are crazy!
Please do not drive home!
Something seriously needs to be done with these criminals, & fast!
It seems as if these criminals are being spit out by a demon clan!
I am sorry for the reporter.

On Tribune worker victim of crime

Posted 3 May 2013, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal