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reverendrichlive says...

All political parties have engaged in this sort of things, so, what
let's move people !

On Mitchell says DNA marchers were paid $25

Posted 6 October 2014, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

Herbert Minnis...should read Herbert Minus. He needs to leave politics and return to being a doctor, he would be more helpful there. Miss Butler must be the leader... she has what it takes...courage, character and content. As for my party, I do like Ms. Hanna. It would be wonderful to have each of these ladies heading up their prospective parties, let me be the first to say,
" Hail to the first female prime minister of the bahamas ! "

reverendrichlive says...

These so-called pastors need to sit their behind down...they are "vexed" because their personal hangups are not being listened to...these guys talkin' bout rebukin' the PM and his administration, yet, if a member of their church rebuke them, they will be the first to quote, : touch not mine anointed..." and " ..." you are disrespecting God's authority "...well, the same Bible says, that " the government that be are ordained of god." you jokers are out of place, you are in fact attacking God's appointed government.Nah, talk dat....Reverend R. L. Kemp

On 'Rebuke' for government for pastors

Posted 29 September 2014, 8:39 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

These so-called pastors need to sit their behind down...they are "vexed" because their personal hangups are not being listened to...these guys talkin' bout rebukin' the PM and his administration, yet, if a member of their church rebuke them, they will be the first to quote, : touch not mine anointed..." and " ..." you are disrespecting God's authority "...well, the same Bible says, that " the government that be are ordained of god." you jokers are out of place, you are in fact attacking God's appointed government.Nah, talk dat....Reverend R. L. Kemp

reverendrichlive says...

God, The First Lady, Mrs. Christie is radiantly beautiful...Mrs. Obama is fabulous also, but as M C Hammer would say, " Can't touch this ! "

reverendrichlive says...

What is this so-called Christian Council all about.... what purpose does it serve?
Reverend Rich says It is now time to dismantle this group of publicity seeking preachers.
Don't tell me that they are supposed to be the moral conscience of the Bahamian society, because before one can be either, one must first possess some kind of morality and conscience. Furthermore, whose definition of morality are we using...give me a break.
Public voted NO - But MPS voted YES to legalize the Webshops, what's the problem? This happens in churches all the time, the congregation votes NO on a matter and the Pastor and his elders, deacons, or board of trustees votes YES on a matter and it is passed. When a society elects a political party, they are elected to govern. Personally, I disagree with putting this matter to the public for a vote. The PM and his Cabinet should have just passed the Bill and let the whinners whine, because it matters not what a leader does there will be opposition, haters and this group of religious controllers call The Christian Council.
You people who are in, or, are a part of this group, you are not in the position to control whether a free moral being want to gamble or not. This God given gift of choice will not be blocked, hindered or stopped by your narrow-minded, self-serving view. God gave man dominion over everything except other human beings, so get over it...Reverend Rich has spoken !…

reverendrichlive says...

Who Are These So-Called " Christian Council " ?
What does it mean to be a so-called "Christian "...and whose definition of being a "Christian " are we using?
They are not and indeed are in no position to " council ".

As a Minister Of The Gospel, I declare that it is NOW time that Bahamians express their fundamental citizenship to gamble, or, not gamble in the casinos. It is time to establish a lottery that like the ones in the USA that contributes to education scholarships. All of this religious backward thinking has got to stop. If you do not want to gamble, then don't, but do not tell me, or stop me from exercising my right as a free moral being. We DO NOT need a referendum, or, any so-called Christian Council to dictate morality. The freedom to be, to choose to gamble or not to gamble is a fundament right of all humans beings, why is it okay for the touristS to gamble in the casinos and not Bahamians? There is something fundamentally wrong with that picture. Fix it PLP, do the right thing MR. PM . Never mind these hypocritical religious nuts, they'll get over it. Reverend Rich says, " it's no SIN to WIN ! "…

On Christian Council hits back at Christie

Posted 16 September 2014, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

How can two walk together unless they agree?
Divison comes from two words, " di " meaning two and "vision".
In one party as in a home, a church you cannot have two visions.
If Rollins have another vision then he should not have to be asked to leave, he should do the right honorable thing and leave. But as we know, not all who are in the Honorable House are honorable. Sir Lynden said it wisely, " If you can't fish, cut bait, if you can't cut bait, get the-hell-out-of-the boat." Enough said.…

On PM disappointed in Rollins

Posted 16 September 2014, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlive says...

Well said, Mr. Prime Minister.
As a Minister Of The Gospel, I declare that it is NOW time that Bahamians express their fundamental citizenship to own casinos, to gamble, or, not gamble. It is time to establish a lottery that like the ones in the USA which contributes to education scholarships. All of this religious backward thinking has got to stop. If you do not want to gamble, then don't, but do not tell me, or stop me from exercising my right as a free moral being. We DO NOT need a referendum, or, any so-called Christian Council to dictate morality. The freedom to be, to choose to gamble or not to gamble is a fundament right of all humans beings, why is it okay for the tourists to gamble in the casinos and not Bahamians? There is something fundamentally wrong with that picture. Fix it PLP, do the right thing MR. PM . Never mind these hypocritical religious nuts, they'll get over it. Reverend Rich says, " it's no SIN to WIN ! "…

reverendrichlive says...

As a Minister Of The Gospel, I declare that it is NOW time that Bahamians express their fundamental citizenship to gamble, or, not gamble in the casinos. It is time to establish a lottery that like the ones in the USA that contributes to education scholarships. All of this religious backward thinking has got to stop. If you do not want to gamble, then don't, but do not tell me, or stop me from exercising my right as a free moral being. We DO NOT need a referendum, or, any so-called Christian Council to dictate morality. The freedom to be, to choose to gamble or not to gamble is a fundament right of all humans beings, why is it okay for the touristS to gamble in the casinos and not Bahamians? There is something fundamentally wrong with that picture. Fix it PLP, do the right thing MR. PM . Never mind these hypocritical religious nuts, they'll get over it. Reverend Rich says, " it's no SIN to WIN ! "…

On The view on the street over gambling

Posted 16 September 2014, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal