Comment history

reverendrichlkemp says...'t wait 'til baha mar open, he should, he must resign now !

reverendrichlkemp says...

YEAH, Hubby, you had your chance. You were rejected by the Bahamian voters. If you gonna say something say it you your FNM( Failed National Movement). You have a good legacy. Don't be like Ben Carson and let your mouth destroy your legacy and the good you have done for the Bahamas. Bahamians and myself, still greatly respect you, Sir !

On Ingraham complaints dismissed by Deputy PM

Posted 22 March 2017, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlkemp says...

Congrats to the PM and shame be upon all you haters. Any project that's putting Bahamian can only be goo, positive and right. to speak think or wish otherwise is not love, and thus, not of GOD. Go on Mr. Christie and the plp, the party of the people, for the people and of the people. haters will HATE, for that's their nature. Yes, you can have your political views, but wishing, doubting and desiring failure for your fellow Bahamians just proves how worthless you are...remember, what evil you wish fir another tends to visit you first. Again, Congrats to the PM and the Bahamian people for finally getting this resort open that will employ thousands of bahamians, not FMN's, not PLP's, not DNA'S, but bahamians...ya datta love that !

On Baha Mar is 'handed over'

Posted 22 March 2017, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlkemp says...

so verr sad...peace be upon their souls...healing and comfort to the survving family....peace !

reverendrichlkemp says...

man, you had your turn...lip your lip !

reverendrichlkemp says...

here's one of those racist white slave loyalist I referred to.

reverendrichlkemp says...

This Henfield is total misguided and totally wrong for plan to march to the PM home and office. March as much as you want, but there are some things off limit...The PM HOME and OFFICE is off limit. I dare say, there's more to this than he's telling. There are some " un-bahamian " tones. We know, the PM knows, the Opposition Leader know what you are all about...or, are there some other evil motivation? repent henfield, repent !

reverendrichlkemp says...

Unfortunately, this will continue because the murdering population knows that they won't have to pay with their lives if and when they are caught, so the senseless killing will continue. Yes, I believe in Capitol punishment. The murdering is already up to 36 and its not three months yet, so by the end of the 2017 the number of young BLACK on BLACK murders can easily be 144....Self-hatred, negative self-awareness, poor self-esteem, no self-respect or self-love results in heartless murdering of your own kind...ALL the result of Colonial slavery self-hatred mind condition. This scenario in not limit to the Bahamas. Blacks throughout the world are killing themselves much more than the KKK or racist colonialism ever has. It's foolish, ignorant and stupid to blame or to think that a particular government can solve this. no government can, any who say they can and will are lying and deceptive. But you are a bigger fool if you believe them. Crime is a heart individual heart issue, not politics, not a government. Until and unless these young men REPENT, murders will be repeated. The word REPENT means to change your mind, to think a new thought, to think be renewed in the mind. When we love ourselves correctly, then we can love others correctly...this is what The Late Great Bob Marley meant when he sang, " emanicipate yourself from mental slavery. "

On UPDATED: Gunman shoots worker dead

Posted 21 March 2017, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlkemp says...

Utter non-sense, like crime, this can happen under any government. No government possess infinite people, you refuse to grow up.

On 1,200 receive aid after fire

Posted 15 March 2017, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

reverendrichlkemp says...

REALLY people, when you lack confidence in your government, it REALLY demonstrate your lack of self-confidence. I am confidence this or any other government can solve this minor issue. Begin Believing in yourselves and thus, believing in your government, regardless of who's in power. But it all starts with you !