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rls7577 says...

One can not even imagine the unaturalness of the very idea of of the notion of "Haitian-Bahamian" ! To us ordinary Bahamians you are either Bahamian or you are not !
Please ,let us not add to the already out-of-control divisions among our finite nation.
If you want to belong here, Be One Of Us -love Bahamian;think Bahamian;assimilate Bahamian,embrace Bahamian culture, and most importantly embrace our Christian shared values that made our Bahamas the great nation it is today.

If you are unable to support these simple delightful Things -Bahamian, then how will you ever be at home in this fair Bahama Land , except as a respectful guests of our hospitable people?!

On Opinion: The dangers of Fred Mitchell

Posted 28 August 2015, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal