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rony says...

Wow!! Gorgeous fish, is it a maui maui?

On [img/photos/2014/02/05/photo_1.2.jpg]

Posted 9 February 2014, 7:40 a.m. Suggest removal

rony says...

So call Haitian Bahamians have no loyalty to the Bahamas!! They deeply hate Bahamians because their illegal parents told them messed up stuff about Bahamians. They now have a haitian show on guardian radio, sayin it's a show because alot of Haitians are out of touch because they don't know English. How in the world can you go in another man country and not learn their language? I don't overstand how the government have allowed this to get so out of hand. The Haitians got the schools, hospital, roads, jobs and clinics full up to da max. People are always quick to say "bahamians have a problem with haitians" are you kidding me? any right thinking Bahamian should have a problem seeing all this mess. It so gone! haitians out by the fish fry making conch salad and working head up in the straw market with Bahamians. "If your not prepared to fight for The Bahamas you don't deserve to have it".

On 'Immigration department extorting Haitians'

Posted 9 February 2014, 7:35 a.m. Suggest removal

rony says...

If I had my way I would ship every living soul out the mud. That's the actions of a judgement "Bully" I never liked people that always push their luck! They are wrong for attacking the police. I have heard so much s##t about "the mud". " Bahamians if you are not prepared to fight for your country you don't deserve to have it".


Posted 4 February 2014, 6:16 a.m. Suggest removal

rony says...

I don't agree with most things the government do but hats off to them on this one!! Get All illegals out!!! This island is gone with so many of them, I know we have illegals from many countries here but by damn so much Haitians here!! They make up damn near half of our population. I work on a job with 30 Haitians and 9 Bahamians madness!! No clear thinking bahamian should have a problem with what the government is trying to do.

On Road checks cause crowds at immigration

Posted 23 January 2014, 6:12 a.m. Suggest removal

rony says...

People always talk bout Bahamians don't like Haitians, things like this clearly shows it is different! The Jamaican has to pay $3,000 and the Haitians $300! Pure madness.

rony says...

This country is over ran with Haitians!!! This is exactly why, pure nonsense!!!!

rony says...

Who ever said is was anything other than poor have to be them PLP goons..

rony says...

Sick of the talking!!

On Four dead, four injured in drive-by shooting

Posted 27 December 2013, 10:31 p.m. Suggest removal

rony says...

Those are the robberies that was reported, I know two people who was robbed a male and female. They didn't report it because they felt like it was a waste of time. The cops are real lazy to find anything or anyone, but when they do the broken system let's the criminals right back out.

On Armed robberies over weekend

Posted 24 December 2013, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

rony says...

That's real talk John!!!