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rosiepi says...

After 4 years of Davis&Co’s corrupt governance we know ‘soon’ means ‘never’.

rosiepi says...

Who needs a salary with all the possible avenues of graft and corruption Christie always manages to utilize?

I’n guessing this break in his retirement is due to the $$ Perry raked in as the Prime Corruptor isn’t paying off as well as he’d hoped??

rosiepi says...

Davis&Co’s “due diligence”?
Oxymoron right?

rosiepi says...

Without the promised transparency on the part of Davis&Co these supposed reserves are unknown. As for the Central Bank, are they really expected to kick out their bedfellows?

rosiepi says...

Oh please! Who profited and how by the corrupt hand of Davis Christie&Co???

rosiepi says...

So dumbing down the test with all the plane crashes in the Bahamas?
Haven’t the lessons of each successive education ministry’s hand in doing the same for their expectations of student scores, or heaven forbid the amount of failures amongst those same students when they attempt any post secondary learning brought any angst or learning among ‘educated officials’??

rosiepi says...

The case was not withdrawn, it was dismissed because Burke Energy had the stronger case. They signed an agreement with Burke two years ago to pay a forfeiture fee of $1M if they acted in bad faith which they did.
Not only did the gov’t unilaterally change the parameters of the scope and design of the project they intended Burke to carry all the upfront costs and fund the project 100%!

Furthermore they gave Burke an impossible ultimatum, come with a plan to enable their would be 40-50% Bahamian partners to invest to offset Burke’s coming investment and income losses of 100% after three years of operations!
Burke knew no Bahamians would do so knowing their gov’t would just hand everything to them on a silver platter.

Worse Christina Alston despite being the OPM’s director of Energy and Sustainability Initiatives attempted to get Burke’s CEO Gregory Galman to build out minus standard construction codes governing wind and hurricane building codes!
Reducing the operating manpower by 25%!

Did Alston successfully persuade those who ‘won’ the bids for Exuma to cut costs with shoddy construction? For Eleuthera?

How many other projects have/are being built to Davis&Co’s corrupt standards?
No wonder the ‘hurricane shelter’ in the Abacos lost it’s roof!!

rosiepi says...

So now any expectations that Shanta Knowles is a change agent are put to rest

Bahamians still expect a proper independent investigation into the corruption in the RBPF that led to these "bank car killings" etc etc. because this slap dab whitewash isn't hiding a thing.

On ‘No police link to bank car killings’

Posted 5 February 2025, 3:41 a.m. Suggest removal

rosiepi says...

RBPF and/or RBDF-royal gateways to corruption!

rosiepi says...

These are the acts of a police state in which violent reprisals enforce censorship, control and obedience.

On Family fears police raid was retaliation

Posted 3 February 2025, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal