Davis&Co have raised fees/taxes on absolutely everything, air passengers pay more in taxes now than for their actual airfare. The new fee per cruiser of $5 on 5.6M passengers for 2024 (up from 4.6M in 2023), accounted for $28M in new revenue. This is just one fee of increases on hundreds! So where is all this new revenue going?
Every year since the PLP won in 2021 revenue hasn’t matched the hype of increased visitor numbers and/or streams of new monies generated, new programs, improved ‘Acts’ remain unfunded, supposedly in committee, ’in discussion’ etc. The deficit increases the borrowing increases yet we have no pandemic, no Dorian. So where’s all this money collected going? It’s not going into new hyped programs to improve our quality of life because most remain unfunded and/or non existent.
And why are folks disgruntled with the IMF instead of taking their ire out on these corrupt politicians they insist on re-electing but refuse to hold accountable for bleeding this country dry? It seems now so much money is being funneled away from where it was intended that the IMF is advising the Bahamas to enact at least a 10% tax just to make up the difference! You can’t make this stuff up, but apparently you can get away with it.
Well there’s one true statement here: “Our job is to enforce the law..in an equitable manner”
However the proceeding figure given of the hundreds of millions in tax arrears prove that Davis&Co know they’re not doing their job and they cannot even muster plausible lies to appear thus engaged!
Shouldn’t somebody secure the keys of that plane Davis had retrofitted? At least empty the gas tank?
The WHO recommends that the minimum ratio of doctors 2.5 per 1000 ppl. Regrettably one must rely on statistics from 2017 for an approximation here in the Bahamas, that being 1.8/1000 ppl.
We do know that the problem has only grown worse, eg having to mass import skilled nurses, the number of patients unable to secure beds some who’ve subsequently died, and these increasing job actions due to this government’s refusal to fulfill their end of the bargains made years ago.
We also know that other countries like Canada (2021-2.4/1000ppl) and the UK (2022-3.2/1000ppl are also experiencing severe healthcare systems problems due to their lack MDs, especially GPs, nurses etc with of course a corespondent lack of staffed beds/facilities.
So why pray tell are Bahamians allowing Davis to continue to affront their intelligence by speaking so scurrilously of what we all know to be an overworked, and underpaid workforce- our healthcare workers? Give them the healthcare benefits promised to them, pay them for their service to our community as per the agreement made.
Then you can start negotiations to additional terms.
How can Rolle speak of another conversation, another whack at negotiations? How could anyone respond favourably when the unions negotiated and settled with the PLP in good faith back in 2021, only to have that benefit of the doubt dashed every year since?
So I’m the PM of the Bahamas, my past and that of my party is literally a stumbling ground of questionable practices and interactions here and abroad with corrupt gov’t and finance officials, criminal actors, drug lords, you name em.
But never mind all that. My problem now apart from my governance over a failed state, is that unbeknownst to myself, my officials, and/or criminal cohorts’ the US DOJ has over the past years secretly assembled a task force to monitor criminal financial activity and drug smuggling within my own government monitored for years. That this is a sharp deviation from past and supposedly ongoing coordination with their Bahamian counterparts is devastating to my mandate as PM.
Now I have to come up with a plausible explanation as to why the US DOJ have refused to share their evidence with myself or any of my officials, refused to give notice of their intending arrests and indictments of my own officials, refused all diplomatic overtures!
Aren’t I the PM of the Bahamas, the ultimate authority?! Exactly. Play dumb!
All 5 firetrucks inoperable because the gov't has no $$ to pay for maintenance and that's just the story in one settlement's fire station?!
Davis&Co have been in power for less than 3 1/2 years and the cupboard is bare. We keep hearing about increased $$ from a continuous rise in tourists stays and arrivals, new business etc etc. So how come the national debt is outpacing our GDP and we're not in the throes of a pandemic?
And Doctors, healthcare workers, teachers, public service, airline workers etc. await benefits and $$ promised so they can pay their bills, feed their families. What did one expect except empty and unfulfilled promises, unfunded social service programs and public works projects
Bahamian SOEs are broke, two of BahamasAir ATR-42s are grounded because PWC refuses to release their engines until Davis&Co pay their invoice.
Meanwhile embarrassingly flights at Christmas on Flightaware & FlightStats showed as being flown with tail numbers from 3 of the grounded planes. One would have to wait til shortly before takeoff to see them finally cancelled, but they were scheduled again the next day Shouldn't such lies, lunacy and slight of hand be some sort of crime??
Of course it’s going to cost! But isn’t that your mandate, your sworn duty? To serve all Bahamians, most especially the vulnerable?
And since your gov’t has shut down funding to social service programs and those institutions that have long served Bahamians we’ll put this begrudging and churlish display down to…arrogance sounds about right.
If medications, health costs, baby and bread basket items, etc etc had not been made taxable by Davis&Co we wouldn’t be needing his pittance
Who exempted these items only to have Davis&Co grab them back again? The original no exemption list was a gift to retailers certainly not the people of the Bahamas.
The current government has failed to fund/start/staff any meaningful program to better the lives they’re sworn to safeguard. In fact their only success stories is limited to their corruption of every institution designed to uplift the Bahamas out of it’s reputation as a failed nation state.
Rolle’s already charged with killing one man, and now this with no trial for another two years? And no ties that link Johnson to the larger crimes of corruption, and conspiracy to steal over $1M? The writings on the wall for this Bahamian styled ‘investigation’!
rosiepi says...
Davis&Co have raised fees/taxes on absolutely everything, air passengers pay more in taxes now than for their actual airfare.
The new fee per cruiser of $5 on 5.6M passengers for 2024 (up from 4.6M in 2023),
accounted for $28M in new revenue. This is just one fee of increases on hundreds!
So where is all this new revenue going?
Every year since the PLP won in 2021 revenue hasn’t matched the hype of increased visitor numbers and/or streams of new monies generated, new programs, improved ‘Acts’ remain unfunded, supposedly in committee, ’in discussion’ etc.
The deficit increases the borrowing increases yet we have no pandemic, no Dorian.
So where’s all this money collected going?
It’s not going into new hyped programs to improve our quality of life because most remain unfunded and/or non existent.
And why are folks disgruntled with the IMF instead of taking their ire out on these corrupt politicians they insist on re-electing but refuse to hold accountable for bleeding this country dry?
It seems now so much money is being funneled away from where it was intended that the IMF is advising the Bahamas to enact at least a 10% tax just to make up the difference!
You can’t make this stuff up, but apparently you can get away with it.
On IMF: Bahamas’ debt ‘distress high risk’ with no new taxes
Posted 20 January 2025, 11:42 p.m. Suggest removal
rosiepi says...
Well there’s one true statement here: “Our job is to enforce the law..in an equitable manner”
However the proceeding figure given of the hundreds of millions in tax arrears prove that Davis&Co know they’re not doing their job and they cannot even muster plausible lies to appear thus engaged!
Shouldn’t somebody secure the keys of that plane Davis had retrofitted?
At least empty the gas tank?
On Gov’t ‘wipes away hundreds of millions in property tax arrears’
Posted 17 January 2025, 2:04 p.m. Suggest removal
rosiepi says...
The WHO recommends that the minimum ratio of doctors 2.5 per 1000 ppl.
Regrettably one must rely on statistics from 2017 for an approximation here in the Bahamas, that being 1.8/1000 ppl.
We do know that the problem has only grown worse, eg having to mass import skilled nurses, the number of patients unable to secure beds some who’ve subsequently died, and these increasing job actions due to this government’s refusal to fulfill their end of the bargains made years ago.
We also know that other countries like Canada (2021-2.4/1000ppl) and the UK (2022-3.2/1000ppl are also experiencing severe healthcare systems problems due to their lack MDs, especially GPs, nurses etc with of course a corespondent lack of staffed beds/facilities.
So why pray tell are Bahamians allowing Davis to continue to affront their intelligence by speaking so scurrilously of what we all know to be an overworked, and underpaid workforce- our healthcare workers?
Give them the healthcare benefits promised to them, pay them for their service to our community as per the agreement made.
Then you can start negotiations to additional terms.
On ‘Time-tracking needed to justify Doctor overtime’
Posted 17 January 2025, 12:55 p.m. Suggest removal
rosiepi says...
How can Rolle speak of another conversation, another whack at negotiations?
How could anyone respond favourably when the unions negotiated and settled with the PLP in good faith back in 2021, only to have that benefit of the doubt dashed every year since?
On PM slams health staff over strike
Posted 16 January 2025, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal
rosiepi says...
So I’m the PM of the Bahamas, my past and that of my party is literally a stumbling ground of questionable practices and interactions here and abroad with corrupt gov’t and finance officials, criminal actors, drug lords, you name em.
But never mind all that. My problem now apart from my governance over a failed state,
is that unbeknownst to myself, my officials, and/or criminal cohorts’ the US DOJ has over the past years secretly assembled a task force to monitor criminal financial activity and drug smuggling within my own government monitored for years.
That this is a sharp deviation from past and supposedly ongoing coordination with their Bahamian counterparts is devastating to my mandate as PM.
Now I have to come up with a plausible explanation as to why the US DOJ have refused to share their evidence with myself or any of my officials, refused to give notice of their intending arrests and indictments of my own officials, refused all diplomatic overtures!
Aren’t I the PM of the Bahamas, the ultimate authority?!
Exactly. Play dumb!
On PM: Request for more details regarding indictment unanswered by US officials
Posted 16 January 2025, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal
rosiepi says...
All 5 firetrucks inoperable because the gov't has no $$ to pay for maintenance and that's just the story in one settlement's fire station?!
Davis&Co have been in power for less than 3 1/2 years and the cupboard is bare.
We keep hearing about increased $$ from a continuous rise in tourists stays and arrivals, new business etc etc.
So how come the national debt is outpacing our GDP and we're not in the throes of a pandemic?
And Doctors, healthcare workers, teachers, public service, airline workers etc. await benefits and $$ promised so they can pay their bills, feed their families.
What did one expect except empty and unfulfilled promises, unfunded social service programs and public works projects
Bahamian SOEs are broke, two of BahamasAir ATR-42s are grounded because PWC refuses to release their engines until Davis&Co pay their invoice.
Meanwhile embarrassingly flights at Christmas on Flightaware & FlightStats showed as being flown with tail numbers from 3 of the grounded planes. One would have to wait til shortly before takeoff to see them finally cancelled, but they were scheduled again the next day
Shouldn't such lies, lunacy and slight of hand be some sort of crime??
On Lack of GB fire trucks ‘a state of emergency’
Posted 15 January 2025, 7:25 p.m. Suggest removal
rosiepi says...
Of course it’s going to cost! But isn’t that your mandate, your sworn duty?
To serve all Bahamians, most especially the vulnerable?
And since your gov’t has shut down funding to social service programs and those institutions that have long served Bahamians we’ll put this begrudging and churlish display down to…arrogance sounds about right.
On Halkitis: Govt to lose $30M annually due to VAT reduction
Posted 13 January 2025, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal
rosiepi says...
If medications, health costs, baby and bread basket items, etc etc had not been made taxable by Davis&Co we wouldn’t be needing his pittance
Who exempted these items only to have Davis&Co grab them back again?
The original no exemption list was a gift to retailers certainly not the people of the Bahamas.
The current government has failed to fund/start/staff any meaningful program to better the lives they’re sworn to safeguard.
In fact their only success stories is limited to their corruption of every institution designed to uplift the Bahamas out of it’s reputation as a failed nation state.
On 5% VAT cut on all food items
Posted 10 January 2025, 8:27 a.m. Suggest removal
rosiepi says...
Rolle’s already charged with killing one man, and now this with no trial for another two years?
And no ties that link Johnson to the larger crimes of corruption, and conspiracy to steal over $1M?
The writings on the wall for this Bahamian styled ‘investigation’!
On ACCUSED: Ex-CID head, lawyer and officer charged in voice note probe
Posted 8 January 2025, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal
rosiepi says...
So only the “well known” lawyer remains clothed in secrecy.
The Bahamas judiciary system climbs ever higher up the pol of global corruption…
On BREAKING: Three men to face charges in police corruption probe
Posted 7 January 2025, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal