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rtaylor says...

It is quite obvious that they were not singling out "white guides". It is quite obvious they were referring to Non-Bahamian caucasian. Yes, we do have fair and white-skinned Bahamian guides, which most have some African ancestry, so...... I would be surprised at how many black guides are brought in to guide. I'll bet on "0".

rtaylor says...

Agreed! Mr. Thompson was indeed conveniently disingenuous! At least Bahamians will seek the facts and make note of who really is looking out for them and is putting them first. Not Ministry of Tourism or Mr. Thompson!

rtaylor says...

This is old news! The Ministry of Marine Resources already responded to this matter and the way forward with the proposed legislation. Mr. Thompson and the person behind the scenes he is working with, should stop trying to create mischief. We Bahamians are not fool!

rtaylor says...

The legislation doesn't use very protectionist wording as it has not been passed yet. The first draft was simply a "Working Paper" for industry input and until persons behind the scenes decided to blow things out of proportion. So what if the Bahamas is nowhere near its capacity? Should we just sit back and allow Non-Bahamians free reign in our country, unregulated and not managed? Should we wait until our flats are destroyed before we implement regulations and management? If they are not banning DIY but asking it to be regulated, how does that "This is an attempt to funnel the most amount of money through a few people at the expense of the entire rest of the industry"? No not stealing just exploitation.

rtaylor says...

Your response is very misleading and not true. I have been following this from the MidCurrent Articles and the so called "minority handful of guides" as you call them DID NOT recommend that all foreign anglers have to hire guides nor were their recommendations anti-foreign. Please visit their website at to see their recommendations to Fishing Legislation and not accept any information thrown into the public arena. For the Public info their recommendations are PRO-Bahamian and in the Bahamians' best interest. Even Stevie Wonder can see that! They never suggested to band DIY, they suggested that it should be regulated and not allowed in managed areas. Our fishing industry should be reserved for Bahamians with non-Bahamians partnering with locals, just like Cuba. As a matter of fact it was you who were working behind the scenes that created the hysteria by spreading the misinformation in the first place! Bahamians are not stupid and clearly understand when persons like yourself and Non-Bahamians push back, that there is usually extreme value involved or we would not hear a peep from you! Again exploiting country's natural resources to the detriment of the locals. As for Mr. Thompson, a Government Employee and Public Servant, it was sad for him to also put misinformation in the public arena and create mischief, even after Director Michael Braynen addressed the Legislation in the Tribune September 25, 2015 Article. Also, what has me baffled, I cannot find any hard statistical data to corroborate Mr. Thompson's 80% figure other than a 2010 The Economic Impact of Flats Fishing in The Bahamas; Tony Fedler, which he states the information provided was incomplete and not broken down specifically to Guided and DIY, so he made assumptions using various formulas. So you do the math......Also really, only worth $141M from 5 years ago! What about Permit, Tarpon and Snook value? They say the Florida Keys flatsfishing is about $800M! Wow! Now take a look at Google and look at their flats to the Bahamas'! Rubbish! I agree this is not a new agenda for Non-Bahamians trying to "hoodwink" locals by down playing the value of their natural resources and threatening their tourist dollar. This isn't about PLP or FNM because even Hubert Ingraham admitted this industry needed to be addressed and regulated. It's all documented. I congratulate the Department of Marine Resources and Minister Gray for taking the bold step of looking out for bahamians first and I am certain many do as well. This legislation is not about party but bahamians rights within their own country. May the legislation be passed in the Senate with GOD's speed! Amen!