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sage says...

SO I guess the Police officer was instructed not to mention that the Commissioner of Police is a member of the church that was the centre of the disturbance....and that the persons involved in the incident ....were "involved" huh? Amazing how we skirt around the truth to "protect" some folk in this small community! And what is wrong with calling the name of the big yellow church...on Carmichael Road?

sage says...

Now I know the Director of Education is a researcher.... his strength is that he has a strong analytical backgrowund in understanding the education enterprise. So it scares me that he would allow his minister to slash a segment of pie and present it to the country as a representative of the entrie desert.

Please compare the total population of students year over year. I suspect when you do this...there will be a significant drop in the number of students who sat national exams this year.

Please give a school by school breakdown of the percentages so that the nation will know which schools participated at which level.

Please also give island by island results also..because with Grand Bahama and Abaco facing both Dorian and COVID....thereis no way that student persormance could have been better.

If after normalizing these factors, and student performace is actually better...then we need to destroy that cabal that we call the school system because our kids dont need it to get better ....simply means ....that going into those things called schools...actual "bumbens" our children.
I cant wait for MOE's response to this.

On A-C grades increase in exams

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

sage says...

Thee appears to be a bigger issue at play here: we are the dump of last resort according to Mr. Hepburn.
With all the intelligence we have, we appear to lack the ability to be forward thinkers. We have folks with many degrees...but it appears that they lack the ability to anticipate and take steps to prevent disaster... not just to react.

When will this ship of fools ever grow up ....? Each day... the actions of authorities give me pause...and I cringe at the many fumbles ..bumbles...and errors we keep making!

sage says...

Lemme see if I get this right: The President of the Bahamas Olympic Association....did not go to the Olympics???? He is COVID positive eh? He has a family emergency eh? It has to be something substantical that would keep the President...from his most pivotal function ...He is actually higher ranked than any Minister even the Prime Minister at these games....and he did not go?

sage says...

The Miami Herald had this story on its front page from earlier in the week. The US Customs ushered this craft out of its waters from more than a week ago. So you mean to tell one is monitoring what is being dumped in our country? We do not have a propocol to verify that what enter is in compiance with our standards? What kinda idiots do we have running this clown show of a country??? Who dumps wood eating beetles on an island that has a huge pine forst? I mean you cannot make this crap up! Which Ministry will take respsibility for this debacle? Will the Agriculure folks? THe Environment Folks? THe BEST folks??? Who..

Will heads roll? Will a full report be tabled in Parliament? When will we get serious about this nation?

sage says...

It is amazing that this paper grants such large sways of space to folks who have never been coorect in their assessment of what is going on this country.

What I do know is that if we do not curb our present behaviours....we ourselves will shutter this country.'s economy. Where was his voice when the Prime Minister had to make the painful decision to shut the place down to save the economy? Where was his voice when hard decisions had to be made to thread the needle for our country's recovery?
The saying is the land of the blind....the one eyed dwarf.....reigns supreme...

On ‘Cannot stop the economy again’

Posted 30 July 2021, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

sage says...

Noboby is home! We are led by a culture of jackasses who have no intention to do good by the Bahamian people. When will we decide that we have to be responsible for each other.

When will we have a responsible government ...for the out people ...for all of our people?

sage says...

Now this is what you call a wholesale cut ass.....and what is so sad... is that it is the truth! I have no idea why we are saddled with this relic an attorney general.... while he is not as self serving as our immediate past AG, he is as destructive. He has no skin in the Minnis game and appears set to destroy anyone whose life's work comes across his desk.

sage says...

Outside of his physical presence...this Speaker has exceeded any other in diminishing the significance of his post....

Clearly this newspaper sees itself as more than just a journalistic enterprise in that it has chosen to give wide voice to person who has done everything possible to show how irrelevant and destructive an elected official can become.... and it amazed me that this paper has not sougt a counter position to give its readers a more full picture of what is going on. This is what tabloids do... and it is sad to see this paper following the same protocol reserved for them.

Dr. Minnis...wil do what all Prime Ministers before him have done: he will call elections when he deems it to his advantage to do so. This crystal ball stuff....should be left witches and the lot. Do journalism journalism. This not it.

On ‘PM has no choice but to go early’

Posted 21 July 2021, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

sage says...

These folks have no soul. Isn't it amazing how detailed their inspection is on The Bahamas...and they themselves have lost more than 1000 children in their country with no idea of how to link them to their parents? Perhaps these reporters may wish to look in their own on their mess before looking at what is going on lease ...we dont put folks in cages like some folk I know.

Further the insertion of the LGBTQi question ...since Biden's election ...undermines any integrity whatsoever of this report as the tranparent attempt to spread their brand of filth to other countries is even beneath them.