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sam65 says...

Capital Punishment is on the books, then start executing some of these murderers. The last time someone was executed was in 1990.Ridiculous!!!!!!

On Unwise to suggest Nassau is getting safer

Posted 27 December 2018, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

sam65 says...

We all know that the emergency response team divers where at home fast asleep! The Royal Bahamas Defense Force passed the buck to The Royal Bahamas Police Force who may have a few good divers that wanted to come out and be the hero for the day and make a good name for themselves while impressing the powers that be. The family of this career pilot should sue all liable parties for wrongful death!!!!!! Hit them where’s it hurts in their collective pockets!!! It won’t bring back their loved one but it may ensure proper protocol will be put in place and followed should this scenario arise again!!!

On ‘Rescuers are failing lost pilot’

Posted 12 November 2018, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal

sam65 says...

First you have promoted to many officers, you have so many officers at the top that are underutilized that you need to really use them where they are needed!!!! Your seasoned officers can surely prosecute! Warrants can be served by a centralized unit, perhaps you can also put some of your reservists to good use!!!! Let us also not forget we have the Royal Bahamas Defense Force!!! I’m just saying!!!!

sam65 says...

Much needed & long anticipated!

On A garden for Sandilands

Posted 18 May 2018, 5:34 a.m. Suggest removal

sam65 says...

Take pride in your beautiful country it’s all you have once you destroy it no one will come and then what will you have left.Dr Myles Monroe once said, God lives in the Bahamas.I truly believe that the Bahamas is a beautiful Sunkissed Paradise please don’t destroy it!!

sam65 says...

In order to hold a position as an officer whether it be correctional, police, defense or immigration one must first have integrity with that being said seek the best not the worst.Reward the best passover the worst!!!

On Dames 'disgusted' by 'inmate' videos

Posted 7 April 2018, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

sam65 says...

Let the police do their job! The officers deserve our support and the criminals deserve our condemnation! The end!

sam65 says...

I know one particular Taxi driver 735 Meadows who is the lowest of the low! He’s an adulterering,drug dealing, ex police officer who goes out off his way to seduce unsuspecting women and convince them that he’s a single man looking for love . . He then lures you in with his lies and robs you blind. He’s a con man and pathological liar!!! The Bahamaian Govt should really due Background checks and prosecute these Bahamian Lotharios!!! Just because your Uncle was a hog and your god father a former PM shouldn’t mean you are above the Law!!!!!

On Taxi drivers: We’re clean

Posted 6 February 2018, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

sam65 says...

Senseless death committed by senseless people.It’s high time The Bahamian Govt start executing these offenders.
Gone are the days when society feared the police, incarceration & Capitol punishment !!! When will enough be enough????? Vigilantism is just around the corner!!! May God Help Us!!!!!!!!

sam65 says...

My condolences to the families of the victims. Now, how is it possible to count a Death this year resulting from an incident last year as an additional murder last year? I understand that The Bahamas would like to keep its murder count down for the year which has just started However this practice seems very deceptive in its nature!

On Shooting victim dies in hospital

Posted 16 January 2018, 5:32 a.m. Suggest removal