Comment history

samiamiamsam says...

Hey birdie what about the 2,500 people the government just put out of work by meddling in the Bahamar development?

samiamiamsam says...

It is entirely immaterial that you have no issue with the project. The court has ordered it closed for not following the law. While the Bay Street merchants did have issues with this project syphoning cruise passengers off of Bay Street they sat back and let reEarth fight this case alone. Shame on them is what i say!

On PM told: ‘Be decisive’ and close $8m project

Posted 25 September 2015, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

samiamiamsam says...

birdie you been drinking some serious koolaid!

samiamiamsam says...

Let's GO!

samiamiamsam says...


samiamiamsam says...

PM in contempt of court for not following judges ruling on Blackbears's
's Cay - yeah that's the kind of "leader" i want to support. No one including and especially the PM is above the law!

On Attorney General backs Christie for leadership

Posted 25 September 2015, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

samiamiamsam says...

Get your facts straight before you open your mouth... clearly you are on the internet so I'm assuming you know how to use it - but just incase here you go - unless of course your objective was just ti lie.………!msg/j…

On PM told: ‘Be decisive’ and close $8m project

Posted 22 September 2015, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

samiamiamsam says...

*"The source added that the prime minister has told members of the PLP that his legacy is not finished."* ........More like he hasn't started! and will never do so!
Run Christie Run far away from us!!! So sick and tired of these corrupt politicians ! They have screwed the country , don't follow the country's laws , don't abide by the courts rulings, tax the crap out of us because they won't get their cronies to pay their outstanding NIB, and Real Property Tax and then we must support them?? Hell NO! I ain't saying the FNM is perfect by any stretch, but compared to this lot they are leaps and bounds ahead!
This government couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery!

On Christie: I’m running again

Posted 18 September 2015, 7:37 p.m. Suggest removal