the Bahamas Baseball Federation was formed in a Conclave sponsored by the Ministry of Sports in 2003, and it was just dismantled through an e-mail that was sent to less that half of its registered members. What is happening now, is that hard working people are being made out to be Villains; when you treat hard working people whom work specks for them with no respect, do you think they will join you especially that you really don't have anything to offer them, it was done wrong plain and simple, and it was intentionally done that way. I understand everyone whens this issue to be resolved, so consider it resolved with the 2 really active leagues.
But over the past two decades, there has not been any senior league played, except for the games that both Freedom Farm and JBLN incorporated into their programme, while Grand Bahama continued to provide the avenue for their senior players to perform.
The Last Senior League Baseball in Nassau, was 2006 just before the stadium was closed to the New Providence Amateur Baseball League, the League Hosted a few games at the Pinewood Baseball field in 2007 and again in 2016, but those seasons did not last.
This was pure Evil, a divide and conquer hand over of hard work to the BBA a failed organization. When the BBF was formed there was a conclave, but after being isolated for 30 years the BBA grab the first offer that came their way, had i been the President of the BBA it would not have happen that way, the BBF had over 11 leagues, some are dormant, some got no real support and one had no where to play, but five leagues joined the BBA and this president said he is suspending the BBF, well he owes a lot of young baseball players an apology because the BBF suspended plenty of them for joining the BBA, but 5 leagues joined the BBA, and they want to suspend the BBF, wow! why didn't these 5 teams just leave the BBF??? this was pure evil.
sangeej says...
would you stop with the "U" grade, thanks!
On What grade would you give the government's 2018/2019 Budget?
Posted 4 June 2018, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal
sangeej says...
every phone conversation in the Bahamas is already being recorded, the US and our Government was doing it for awhile now.
On Henfield’s ‘no’ on spy bill vote
Posted 29 May 2018, 12:16 p.m. Suggest removal
sangeej says...
I agree, someone should be made to answer for this, and should not happen again. The Message that was sent was wrong.
On LETTER: Gambling houses sponsoring sporting events ‘does not send the right message to our youth’
Posted 17 May 2018, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal
sangeej says...
wow! nice article, a very nice person in Kristian Robinson, God Bless
On Robinson making immediate impact with Diamondbacks
Posted 15 May 2018, 11:06 a.m. Suggest removal
sangeej says...
wow! very nice article, good job Felicity Ingraham.
On FACE TO FACE: A Miami icon born on Shirley Street
Posted 11 April 2018, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal
sangeej says...
Nice! good luck and work hard.
On Taylor elected president of New Providence Softball Association
Posted 20 March 2018, 5:10 p.m. Suggest removal
sangeej says...
the Bahamas Baseball Federation was formed in a Conclave sponsored by the Ministry of Sports in 2003, and it was just dismantled through an e-mail that was sent to less that half of its registered members. What is happening now, is that hard working people are being made out to be Villains; when you treat hard working people whom work specks for them with no respect, do you think they will join you especially that you really don't have anything to offer them, it was done wrong plain and simple, and it was intentionally done that way. I understand everyone whens this issue to be resolved, so consider it resolved with the 2 really active leagues.
On THE FINISH LINE: Bahamas Baseball Federation makes'a move that should be commended'
Posted 22 January 2018, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal
sangeej says...
But over the past two decades, there has not been any senior league played, except for the games that both Freedom Farm and JBLN incorporated into their programme, while Grand Bahama continued to provide the avenue for their senior players to perform.
The Last Senior League Baseball in Nassau, was 2006 just before the stadium was closed to the New Providence Amateur Baseball League, the League Hosted a few games at the Pinewood Baseball field in 2007 and again in 2016, but those seasons did not last.
On THE FINISH LINE: Bahamas Baseball Federation makes'a move that should be commended'
Posted 22 January 2018, 12:52 p.m. Suggest removal
sangeej says...
A sad ending to the Chief, a fixture around Softball & Baseball.
On Softball community mourns one of its most faithful fans
Posted 18 January 2018, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal
sangeej says...
This was pure Evil, a divide and conquer hand over of hard work to the BBA a failed organization. When the BBF was formed there was a conclave, but after being isolated for 30 years the BBA grab the first offer that came their way, had i been the President of the BBA it would not have happen that way, the BBF had over 11 leagues, some are dormant, some got no real support and one had no where to play, but five leagues joined the BBA and this president said he is suspending the BBF, well he owes a lot of young baseball players an apology because the BBF suspended plenty of them for joining the BBA, but 5 leagues joined the BBA, and they want to suspend the BBF, wow! why didn't these 5 teams just leave the BBF??? this was pure evil.
On Bahamas Baseball Association is governing body
Posted 18 January 2018, 11:22 a.m. Suggest removal