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santopadro says...

In my strongest opinion, The state is also complacent in this child's murder and should have been on trial as a co-defendant. This homicidal pedophile was previously convicted of sexually molesting a child and was suspected of murdering another child, but, for whatever reason, was NOT charged. And, despite the fact that the prognosis for recovery of these criminally insane individuals is practically nonexistent, this individual was allowed back into society by the state, apparently released without any psychological evaluation or counselling, after serving a relatively light sentence, to offend again. So, in the aftermath, the death penalty seems to be the most politically expedient manner in which the state has chosen to deal with this horrific set of circumstances_ And, judging from the comments here, in general, this will appease the public outcry for hanging_ a reaction that is understandable in the murder of a helpless child. However, this does not resolve the more difficult issue of re-accessing the government protocols and policies for dealing with the criminally insane, and, walking the sometimes blurred line between protecting the individual rights and the rights of society... Clearly, there was a breakdown in the system in this particular case, which allowed this dangerous individual back on the streets to murder another innocent child_ but, the public's reaction to this is a deafening silence.

On Marco's killer sentenced to death

Posted 10 August 2014, 11:36 p.m. Suggest removal

santopadro says...

Firstly, I highly recommend that Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition Leader, The Honourable Dr. Hubert Minnis, hires a military consultant to best advise him on matters concerning the employment of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RDBF), particularly in support of civilian authorities... In fact, in keeping with provisions contained in the Defence Act, for decades the RBDF has provided personnel to assist The Bahamas Immigration Department in the round up, detention, and deportation of illegal immigrants. Moreover, since its inception, The Defence Force has deployed its personnel during periods of national disasters to assist our civilian population in recovery efforts. Besides, oversight of these operations currently falls under the Director of NEMA, who is presently a senior Defence Force Officer under secondment to National Security working in this civilian capacity.

Furthermore, immediately following 9/11, Defence Force Personnel were provided with specialised US Military Training and dispatched forthwith to guard and protect our nation's major ports of entry, including Sir Lynden Pindling International Airport. Please be advised, the swift deployment of these brave men and women to provide security to our ports practically recused our nation's number one industry, Tourism, from ultimate demise. prior to this, the US was threatening to issue a travel advisory to their citizens coming to The Bahamas, as they considered us to be a "soft" target for terrorism. Today, these well-trained Marines provide security and protection to the cruise ship passenger at Prince George Dock.

Second, I am taken aback that Dr. Minnis appears to be unaware that RBDF Commandos are competently trained in tactics in support of civilian authorizes during periods of civil unrest. Truth be told, our nation is in the middle of a crime crisis, which, in my humble opinion, spiraled out of control because of ineffective actions undertaken by successive governments.

Third, l would like to remind Dr. Minnis that during the civil unrest in Bimini several years ago, the Royal Bahamas Police Strike Force, backed up by Defence Force Commandos, were immediately dispatched aboard two Defence Force Vessels to maintain law and order in that region of our archipelago. Today, in my humble opinion, drastic times calls for drastic action. Consequently, I strongly disagree with the Minister's comments that deployment of qualified and well-trained Marine Commandos to augment the Royal Bahamas Police Force in high crime areas "would cripple border protection efforts", as the Defence Force has always performed admirably during periods of national crisis

On 'Using RBDF a mistake'

Posted 10 June 2012, 9:23 a.m. Suggest removal