Comment history

sarabahama says...

Suggesting we get blown away by a Cat 5 is both ridiculous and disgusting!!

sarabahama says...

It's a major disaster!
My mother is visiting and thank goodness can stay with me or she would be on the street!
Thanks for writing this Neil, I really wanted to expose them after seeing the horrible experiences that folks are having....folks don't know they have no where to stay until they land and then they are redirected at the airport at the big fancy desk they have there. A big fancy desk that leads to NoTHiNG!
Our reputation is dirt bc of them!

sarabahama says...

This is reflecting on us as a nation very poorly in that the reviews for this place are BAD!!
I over heard some cruise ship passengers talking about how poorly the dolphins were kept aand the smallness of the pens. HOPE it is all over Tripadvisor!

How sad that people will do ANY disgusting thing for a buck.