Comment history

sburrows says...

my only regret for this woman is she missed his neck!

sburrows says...

I couldn't AGREE with you more!

sburrows says...

I feel good for this woman...I'm a man and no woman should ever (EVER) have to feel the brute strength of a man. God made us men to protect our women, never to beat them physically or mentally!!!

sburrows says...

Let the dead bury the dead.

sburrows says...

Dudes, ya gatta get rid of them ugly shoes!

On Dance crew hoping for Australia debut

Posted 5 July 2012, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

sburrows says...

I'm neither red, green or yellow shirt. As citizens of the Bahamas, we have all rights to criticize, an speak out about any decision or action taken by the government (be it a red, yellow or green shirt leader). Whenever a Politician quotes Scripture, he is 95% of the times trying to appeal to the masses ignorance, and is often using it as a manipulating tool. I was never a fan of the Urban Renewal scheme...just like any program, it had it's good and bad points. What's disturbing is the perception given by the PLP to the masses that the former government did away with the Urban Renewal project which is obviously a blatant lie, and the masses fell for it. But Mr. Wells, don't fall into the Political stencil of using scripture for bulls- -t reasons! Those employees were fired, that is that! The government has a right to fire it's employees.

sburrows says...

The world economy's bottom fell out in 2008! We're just now honestly feeling the effect of it...tell Perry to tell us something we DON'T know! After blaming Hubey Ingraham for the state of the world's affair's, he (Perry) wants to come to us with his great revelation! Dawg, we don't want to hear what we already know...stop makin' ya beautiful speeches and hurry put in place legislation that will make it much easier for the private sector to create employment!

sburrows says...

just make it Legal already!!!!!!!! There are "number" houses on every corner like hookers, no one is being prosecuted for running these houses or playing numbers, either make it legal or shut them the hell down!

On Vote on gambling 'before end of year'

Posted 28 June 2012, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

sburrows says...

I find it most disturbing when Political figures quote Jesus Christ...I also must say that Ingraham simply took the Police out of the Urban Renewal offices and put them back on the streets..the staff remained (PLP and FNM). What really matters here is that a large number of people are now without a job...maybe that's how this new government focuses on "job" creation. Let's see just what this Urban Renewal is all far still seems like the same old one to me...just with fewer employees.