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scampi75 says...

Freeport is my home, I've lived here 34 years, raised my kids here. I am a Bahamian and like it however, I also own my business which puts me in a prison like state. If I was lucky enough to have a job and rented a house then I have the choice to pack up, leave and look for greener pastures. But when you own, you're stuck! You can't sell your business or your home so, like me, I have no other choice but stay and really hope something happens. I don't want to leave but the reality is I'm not getting any younger and how long can I hold out? I've been lucky enough to stay open and make a living but after many years of long hours and sacrifice, it would be nice to have been able to put some money away for the "golden" years. Building wealth in Grand Bahama is a dream afforded to very few.

On MP: Grand Bahama 'dying a slow death'

Posted 9 June 2018, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

scampi75 says...

It's so frustrating that these cries have fallen on deaf Government ears. Hard to believe that local consumption is greater than exports, something I would like to challenge. The two most vexing problems are harvesting undersize conch and exports. Stop this and there should be conch for generations to come

scampi75 says...

It's all well and good to try increase export revenue but is it sustainable? Just because someone says it is doesn't mean it's so. Are there proper studies confirming this? A shortsighted approach now will pay dearly in the future. also, has there been any discussion of putting limits on exports? Probably not. Anyone who thinks conch, lobster and grouper are an inexhaustible resource are living in lala land!

On Lobster aimed at Chinese market

Posted 18 December 2017, 8:22 a.m. Suggest removal

scampi75 says...

Anyone criticizing the Governments motives here must be In-Bahamian! There is nothing more important to Grand Bahama right now than to open these hotels and the people back to work.
An exit pan has already been discussed which is the right way to go!

scampi75 says...

Well said with very interesting points, I hope the Government is reading/listening

On The 'Holy Grail' for kickstarting Freeport

Posted 27 October 2017, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

scampi75 says...

Davis and Mitchell are the best thing that could happen for the FNM. Hard to believe PLP supporters wanted them back

On Chairman Mitchell comes out fighting

Posted 27 October 2017, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

scampi75 says...

Wants us to use proper language?? The same language the PLP used? Does it include using the finger?

On Chairman Mitchell comes out fighting

Posted 27 October 2017, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

scampi75 says...

There were endless criticisms about the fee imposed on those wanting to watch Junkanoo. I cannot believe you have to pay just to walk around and watch the parade and eat some local food etc .Junkanoo has been going on for a long time and never, never had we have to pay just to watch. I don't have a problem charging for seating but to just walk around?

On 12312015 EDITION

Posted 4 January 2016, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

scampi75 says...

This is a great article and very true. I also read today another article where the writer was ggoing on about issues and made the statement that the country was in crisis. Most intelligent ppeople agree our country is in crisis, the worst government in history etc etc. However, on the other side of the coin, there is discussion about how they fear the PLP will get back into power. How is it, if so many Bahamians feel the country is in the worst shape ever, there is still great support for the Governing Party? Who would, in their right sense still want to see another term of this Government? Are there so many Bahamians, so blinded by corruption and cronyism that they would sell their own country down the stream? I guess so.

On Too much time or misplaced priorities?

Posted 10 November 2015, 11:23 a.m. Suggest removal