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screwedbahamian says...

" The government loses $30 Million" Clearly an indication that members of the government think that there is separation between them and the people who elected them," the Bahamian citizens", and that they are above the Bahamian citizens and giving them handouts. That speaks volumes of how they view the Bahamian citizens. The Bahamian citizens lose money when
very large groups travel to places like Dubai to promote tourism (seriously). Perhaps the good minister would like to prove how much millions of $'ss the Bahamian citizens V.A.T monies were
lost in that frivolous exercise ??

screwedbahamian says...

Too much thievery of poor family's generation land in the Family Island by foreigners and wealthy Bahamians facilitates by elected politicians law offices.
This will need to stop!
Churches should change their name to " House of worship" that way they can worship Satan or God and not have to lie about it!! What a shame!!

On 300-acre Long Island battle delayed to 2025

Posted 19 December 2024, 9:19 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

Now you know, both groups got the $30,000.00 seed money, one way or the other.
The old saying" never mind the noise in the market only pay attention to the price of the fish"
it's great for the Junkanoo parades to be taking place for the enjoyment of the Bahamian people and the world.

On Junkanoo back on after govt U-turn

Posted 14 December 2024, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

Maybe they should all fly over to Florida and see who don't come back??

On PM: US hasn’t given corrupt official’s ID

Posted 12 December 2024, 8:46 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

“LPIA and all airports in The Bahamas comply with ICAO rules, comply with the rules of TSA, comply with the rules of the Civil Aviation Authority of The Bahamas,” " We government as we see fit " The USA indictment asserts " (with evidence I am sure) that these rules were compromised by persons placed with authority over the employees.

screwedbahamian says...

When the Bahamas government spending all the V.A.T plus whatever else of Bahamian monies on travelling worldwide to" push climate control ",and spending very large budgets on promoting Tourism, and citizens of every country in the free world is viewing live coverage of this "choas and bahamians attacking each other", not in the marketplace, but Lord in the " peoples house of parliament" where citizens send supposably upstanding representatives to govern through the passage of laws to make "every bahamian 's" life in the Bahamas better, this is a total disgrace and certainly not indicative of any law abiding and successful country from its leaders.
The purpose of the representatives in Parliament is to be the voice for all Bahamian Citizens and " NOT" to be quieted when it suits one group or the other otherwise it ceases to be a democracy!!
Every member of Parlaiment has the right to speak especially when it concerns widespread corruption in the law inforcement agencies and the charges of facilitating the safe passage of unlawful drugs by law enforcement officers and high ranking officials by the american government.

On Law and disorder

Posted 6 December 2024, 10:15 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

The Garden of Eden was the most beautiful place on earth until man made it a living HELL!!

screwedbahamian says...

The Garden of Eden was the most beautiful place on earth until man made it a living HELL!!!

On screwedbahamian

Posted 5 December 2024, 8:52 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

The COVID-19 plague is showing a part of the world how inept our Steak and lobster eating, Champagne and belvedere vodka drinking and extremely corrupt leaders and governments are. They have no shame, conscience or soul when it comes to treating citizens with any intelligence and logic when giving misinformation.
Is this the example that we should be setting for our next generations?
Where did we go wrong, that at this time, we should be subject to this kind of misleadership????

On Officials believe cases “are levelling”

Posted 29 August 2020, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

All world reports quote medical experts and scientists stating that the covid-19 virus is here until a Vaccine is developed to eradicate it. All reports state that a vaccine for this virus is not expected to be developed and implemented before the beginning of 2021 at its earliest. Why the learned leaders do not comprehend this is beyond reality, If The learned leaders
expect to open up our borders to business as usual with tourists and citizens traveling to and from our county before this time without consequences is just foolish.
We need a fact finding committee to acknowledge the facts and realistically plan to survive until this virus is eradicate, Due to the virus and the economic consequences ( 32 million Americans out of work and on government assistance to survive) our tourist industry is simply not there. plan accordingly

On Atlantis may remain shut until November

Posted 23 July 2020, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal