Comment history

seagrape says...

Good for he a$$

seagrape says...

jackbnimble, for your information, at the beginning of the meeting, it was announced that the meeting would be recorded and a copy would be sent to all condo owners who did not attend the meeting, so Fred Smith was quite aware of the recording. Maybe he lost it because Coral Beach Owners finally stood up to Bruno Rufa and kicked him out as president of the association. Fred Smith threatened to sue the owners if the New Board does not pay the outstanding one million dollars legal fees to calendars for Bruno Rufa's criminal and Immigration matters. Maybe he did not take his medication before attending the meeting.
he claimed he didn't bill the one million as yet, because he didn't want Coral Beach to go bankrupt. In my opinion, this was an attempt by Fred Smith and Bruno Rufa's Board to hide the one million dollars billing until after the elections in February, But they were caught and Bruno and his entire Board was kicked out. The owners should Fire Fred Smith and report him to the Bahamas bar Association for breach of trust.

seagrape says...

It appears that the QC was on the brink of a nervous breakdown at the coral beach condo meeting recently held in Freeport. How else to explain his behavior. A trip to the mountains in Tibet is long over due.

seagrape says...

Sharkis IS a Businessman , Rufa NOT

seagrape says...

Mr Rufa is not an investor , he is a plumber using Coral Beach Hotel Condominium Owners 's money to make his own business . He needs to be removed from the Country

seagrape says...

**A message for Monkeedoo, IkalikI, Chuky .Democracy means a Social Contract amongst us. The Government represent the people . The Government is Elected by a Majority to govern the Country. The elected Members of Parliament can and have a duty to propose Amendments to Parliament to protect the Country how and when they see fit. The Court is not Elected by the People . The court would have to follow all amendments passed in Parliament. There will be some abuse like with any other laws. As a Citizen , we have a duty to ensure our Members of Parliament propose amendments with the proper check & balance. Instead of being aggressive and insulting people on this forum you should work with your MP to make it better. Also, if you are not happy with this Government you will have the opportunity to change it in 2017
When the Amendment will be passed , if Mr. Rufa has a problem with how the Government treated him, he can ask his Canadian Government to intervene on his behalf. The Bahamian Government may reconsider their position

seagrape says...

The owners are being robbed blind, no certified audit since Bruno Rufa took over in 2006. Prior to 2006 legal fees were $12K per year now $300K per year. The auditor Deloitte just recently quit leaving the condo association with no auditor. No audit company want to take on Coral Beach under Rufa's leadership. What saved the condo was the Insurance proceeds from Hurricane Francis and Jeanne plus the $1.5 million in assessment, which to date has not been properly accounted for and work not completed since hurricane Francis. The condo association's reserve fund is rapidly being depleted on Rufa's legal troubles.

seagrape says...

voltaire - are you suggesting that it is okay for foreign persons to work in the Bahamas at Restaurants & Bars, food stores etc. as long as they are not being paid? The point is a Bahamian could have been employed to do the Job that he was caught doing for free. As a tourist Mr. Rufa should not have been working at a bar without the appropriate documents, not even for free. Why didn't he seek Immigration's permission to work? He was caught already working "for free", put out of the country, allowed to come back, now he was caught again working "for Free". How do we know he was working for free?

On Are expats still welcome in The Bahamas?

Posted 15 December 2015, 7:46 p.m. Suggest removal

seagrape says...

Instead of getting into trouble with the law Bruno Rufa and his BOARD should have been providing the Owners at Coral Beach with certified Audited Financial Statement. Only Audit DRAFTS have been provided to the Owners since 2007. It reached the point now, that the Auditor don't even attend the AGM. I hope F. Smith is not billing the CB Owners for B.Rufa personal Immigration matters.This has nothing to do with CB Owners. This Bar doesn't belong to the Owners , we don't even know who this bar belong to ! This bar should not have a license in the first place, it was taken away from a Bahamian operator (Thanks to Mr. Fred Smith ) . What goes around, comes around .