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sealice says...

“The government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas does not, as a matter of government policy, encourage or facilitate illicit drug production or distribution, nor is it involved in laundering the proceeds of the sale of illicit drugs....

but now lets talk about the individuals within the government and the former members of government FNM & PLP that have made their entire fortunes (now laundered clean) by illicit drugs ......i don't know if the tribune gat enuff ink 2 rite bout dat 1....

On US report highlights failings on offenders

Posted 10 March 2020, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

Both of these parties are broken - we need to leave em like that and get some more parties started and functioning in order to be a true democracy.

sealice says...

haha the PLP is screwing the daughter of the their hero..... nice and greedy just like the UBP crooks you replaced??? .

sealice says...

Naughty - the problem with all the wonderful tax money is that it's gonna disappear just like the NIB and the VAT and we as working Bahamians still ga get boongey whilst the politicians roll in their king sized mansions in gated communities.... but no one know's where the money went....and bahamians still only get a "D" average and the middle class becomes the poor....every day......

sealice says...

so something good came from Corona virus none of this "modular" housing.... wasn't everyone screaming about revamping building codes a few months ago after dorian??? How are these gonna hold up in a weak storm??

On Fears coronavirus to cost $2m home deal

Posted 27 February 2020, 3:24 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

the BCC shouldn't have any say in the politics of the Bahamas. We are real Bahamians with real needs that a bunch of child molesters and their fictional books can help us with.....

sealice says...

another PLP thief get catch wit dey hand in the cookie jar and this time it was a big Foreigner did catch dem....but they foreign dey ain't like the Bahamian dey actually call you on ya Shite ya Tief and then do something about it...

sealice says...

I guess he saw the PLP did it and it wasn't justified so he did it to??

On PM defends increase in travel budget

Posted 24 February 2020, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

the people that can't make $40 bucks a month to pay rent think other people take what they say seriously?

sealice says...

Lady they think you are doing what all their friends are doing or better yet DID after the hurricane.

Getting all the money from the government, relief agencies and insurance that they could - go spend it on some useless shit like a phone or a TV - move to nassau and get another job they don't care about or have to work to hard at and start complaining again....

On Customs grounds sole Abaco freight provider

Posted 21 February 2020, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal