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seekingknowledge says...

I call for the separation of church and state in this country. Religion should be kept out of political affairs cause all its doing is causing harm to our society.

seekingknowledge says...

I armed war on crime is not the only solution. I think alot of arrest will have to be made but we need to focus on other factors that cause crime.

1. We nee to stop these criminals from getting bail. Anyone charged with murderer should not be allow out on bail.

2. We need to focus on creating more jobs since alot of these crimes are armed robberies.

Thats all I have for now but if we were to have a War on crime this should definitely be part of there agenda.

On BRAN: Declare war on crime

Posted 11 December 2013, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

seekingknowledge says...

If you want a goverment war on crime that has been successful take a look at new york. At one point New york's crime rate was through the roof but duing the 90s it experienced a significant drop. Here check out the link

On BRAN: Declare war on crime

Posted 11 December 2013, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal