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sengli02 says...

There are people being killed each day in Nasseu, and you are worried about gambling. What a poor excuse for leadership? Get a life.

sengli02 says...

When my daughter informed me that they were planning to give her baby in New Mexico, all of her shots at once, I told her no no. It is too strong for an infant to receive all their shots at once. I am so glad she listened to me.

I am so happy for this couple that their baby had a second chance of life. I want to congratulate all the doctors and nurses for their support in caring for this child.

The doctors in the Bahamas should have known better. If they had kept up or even stayed in contact with the latest news from CDC, they would have been well informed regarding out-dated vaccine.

I ask the question, where did these doctors received their training? When you walk in a doctor's office, always check for their credentials.

sengli02 says...

That is why Donald Trump got elected. People are sick and tired of the status quo. The Bahamian people need to vote the rift rats out of office.

sengli02 says...

Bahamas, do not close your eyes or ignore crime. It is a destruction to any nation. Have a cerfew, set time when young people can be out in the street. They must have proof of school or work permit. Hold parents responsible with a fee when their child/children commits a crime.

sengli02 says...

I think that, The Bahamas should have a two years term for government and officials. Due to the two years term, they will not do a lot of damage. Under British rule, The Bahamas was a thriving country.

sengli02 says...

Prime Minister Perry, it takes money to put gas in these vehicles. As far as I have heard, the economy in the Bahamas sucks. Of course you have a lot of money to help. What about the regular people with a truck that are having a hard time.

In the United States, they have, The Road Commission, which are paid by the county.

Please get up of some of that hidden money to help the poor in the Bahamas.

I am not saying not to give back but with what when everyone is trying to hustle?

Take the hidden fund and pay these people to provide for their family.

Concern for The Poor.

sengli02 says...

I am heart broken to learn of such inhumane treatment of prisoners. They are human beings. You do no treat an animal like that. These prisoners are there to write a wrong.

I wish someone with a tough back- bone would bring this to the world's attention.

I will do my best to post this on my Facebook.

Wake up Bahamas and do the right thing for these prisoners.

Very concerned,

sengli02 says...

I cannot believe what I am hearing on the blog. This is in response to the article on the blog regarding Dr. Minus statement on the Bahamas is the most dangerous place to visit. No matter how the opposition feels about the leadership, On thing you do not do, is to put the country in such negative spotlight. This is very destructive to the country and to its people. You have to recall people that are not doing a good job. Shame on you.

On sengli02

Posted 24 April 2014, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

sengli02 says...

My apology regarding Miss Bahamas accomplishments. I saw an article with her graduating from a university in Oklahoma. You are on your way.

On Getting to know Lexi the new Miss Bahamas

Posted 22 September 2013, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

sengli02 says...

I really like your article Nicole Burrows. You were very passionate and concern about the leadership of the Bahamas. More people need to take pride in the, political and spiritual outcome of their country.


On sengli02

Posted 9 March 2013, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal