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sense says...

@JohnDoe, nice use of vocabulary but not flattered. i don't believe that i know it all, i simply have an opinion. An opinion that i feel could be made in regards to a law that is fat with discrimination towards Bahamians in this 21st century. conscious incompetence? unawareness? Really? lol Please..... use that to describe the law makers in this country who has ignored to amend such a discriminatory law for all these years. Have a good day.

On Bran: court was not wrong

Posted 4 February 2013, 9:50 a.m. Suggest removal

sense says...

In this 21st century when laws should no longer discriminate against the rights of people my argument is in every bit valid, and i don't need a law degree to know that. Here we have tourist who freely can gamble in our country and we can't.
When it comes to the law being specific, I understand, but i believe that we both can agree that this law should be amended to either make gambling illegal for all, whether a visitor or Bahamians or legalize for all.

On Bran: court was not wrong

Posted 4 February 2013, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

sense says...

Because it isn't illegal..this has been repeated time and time again!! could not know this by now?? Fabricated lies created on a law that does not exist. The discriminatory law against Bahamians gambling was created before web shop gambling even existed. So until there is law against web-shop gambling to make it illegal its NOT a crime and the government knows this. This is why the courts had no choice but to grant the injunction.

sense says...

@TalRussell,,seriously? you ran on with the most garbage, find a trash can. The people's vote is all supreme, yes true, but not to shut the web shops down..their votes were supreme towards saying No to the taxation and regulation of Web shops by this present government and No to a National Lottery so don't use the people's majority vote as basis to say that Bahamians want web-shops to be shut down or that web-shop gambling should be made illegal because the poll was not for that!

@JohnDoe, and to you, if the PM ask the web shops to cease all gaming activities and if anyone caught being involved or web shops who choose to not cease will be subject to arrest...does he have to say the words "shut down" for it to be so..common sense here,,,The P.M ordered for these web-shops to basically shut down one way or the other, regardless how it was said..what? so their employees are to report to work to remain work-less all day? Web-shops were basically ordered to shut-down.

Overall, cease the noise in the market, there isn't any law on the books that say web shop gambling is illegal,,the laws against gambling that exist are out-dated. Until there is a law that makes web shop gambling illegal its not a crime! Which is why the injunction was granted,,which is why the PM or the police knows they don't have the right to shut these establishments down on the basis that its illegal. Bahamians have been spoon fed lies for years, we must read and study the facts to not be swindled!! Spoonful of common sense, have a great day.

On Bran: court was not wrong

Posted 1 February 2013, 4:43 p.m. Suggest removal

sense says...

the courts will have no other choice but to give ok to the Injunction. P.M should know this, isn't he a trained lawyer? he knows web shop gambling is legal as there is no law to justify that it isn't. It baffles me that we as Bahamians are still taken for stupid!!

On Injunction filed by numbers bosses

Posted 30 January 2013, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

sense says...

finally, some common sense and facts being exposed on this whole matter thanks to other like Mr. Munroe!

On Injunction filed by numbers bosses

Posted 30 January 2013, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

sense says...

Well when common sense comes into play, sometimes you just have to go against the wishes of those Bahamians who want the web shops closed down,,Firstly they neither the government has the power to employ those hundreds of people left without a job.

On Hundreds of webshop staff take to streets

Posted 25 January 2013, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

sense says...

yes she accepted the $280.00 and that doesn't means she should keep the incident a secret. Its great she brought this story to the media. Such an incident will now be a lesson to all facilities " be responsible or your irresponsibility will be brought to light in the media"!. From now on i guess we can expect persons to work more harder to be responsible and maintain a good reputation. The school's reputation is none of her concern after bringing this incident to light, her only concern should be for her child's safety.

On sense

Posted 21 September 2012, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal