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serahwakia says...

The story of Eve and Adam as interpreted by Dr Munroe is I believe not completely correct. In the Bible it says God said unto the "Man", I believe when it says he said unto the man that he was refering to both the man and the woman. After all who is a woman? The woman was created from the man, the woman and the man are one. The woman was created from the man's rib ot from his posterior to follow him or from his anterior to lead him but from his side that they may walk hand in hand as equals. The rib positioned below the arm signifies that women should submit to their husbands and I say their "husband" and not "men". Man was created to rule over creation and this refers to both men and woman for woman was made from man. But a woman must submit to her husband and the Bible is very clear on this in Corinthians. To me it was the way the story of Eve and Adam was moralized by Dr Munroe that would be questionable.