Comment history

serenelle says...

If this is one of those ways for making people smoke less, it wont work. The best thing that the community can do is to accept the fact that there are people who like to smoke and people who don't like this and the public places and restaurant should have a place specially designed for each category. If you visit <a href=""></a> you will see that there some doors specially designed in order to protect the non-smokers from the smoke.

serenelle says...

Great ideas such as these are welcomed everywhere, but every one of these initiatives have to be careful to play by the rules and also pay their taxes. Everybody has to pay taxes! If you are in need of advice you would probably need this company's phone number <a href="">property tax reassessment in Chester County, PA</a> when it comes to pay attention to your duty for your country as a tax payer.

On BTC targets 40 store franchise roll-out

Posted 11 February 2015, 9 a.m. Suggest removal

serenelle says...

The battle against this ferocious disease brings people closer together and we're proving that man is essentially an altruistic and empathetic being. This event had an impressive attendance and people from different fields of interest joined to sustain a cause. Be it a <a href="">dentist in Scottsdale</a>, a policeman or a prime minister, these people should be admired for raising awarness on this important matter, so that in the years to come more people will attend. Only by joining forces we will overcome this disease.

serenelle says...

It's always touching, to see how peope feel and express their gratitude and love towards their parents. Family is the most important thing in the world, we all know this and even the ones who didn't figure this out yet, they certainy will. Be there for your family members, spend time with them, go to <a href="">Atlanta Family Fun Centers</a> and build memories that will last forever and that will warm your heart one day, when sadly you'll find yourself away from your loved ones. Don't miss out any opportunity to show your parents how thankful you are, it's always a good time to do it.

serenelle says...

It took quite a while for this case to be solved and it seems like there were a lot of adjective law issues that slowed down the process. Good lawyers like the ones from <a href=""></a> have a lot to consider when dealing with these kinds of lawsuits. Procedural details are as important in bringing in a verdict as the deed itself.

On Bid to snatch Kozeny's $22m was 'doomed'

Posted 4 February 2015, 5:09 a.m. Suggest removal

serenelle says...

Sometimes taking no action can be considered as acting against the law, the same as lieing by omission is also a lie. However, the intent must be proved here in order to determine whether an offence has been committed or not. This could be a complicated case, when assessing if the possible consequences were taken into account becomes a delicate legal matter and probably a team of good lawyers like the ones from <a href=""></a> would be able to pick on the finest details and sort thing out. Mens rea is a necessary element here in establishing whether it was a criminal act or just plain ignorance.

On Judicial Review over Nygard 'breach of duty'

Posted 3 February 2015, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

serenelle says...

Hopefully there will not be too much delay in this project, because saving energy is an important issue. We could all start right now paying attention to the amount of carbon dioxide we're creating and use just as much energy as we actually need. If we're having any extra refrigerant we don't really need, we might consider checking a <a href="">refrigerant buyback</a> program, for example. Keeping it minimal in terms of energy consumption is not going to have a negative impact on our living standards, on the contrary: it will prove we understand civilization.