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sherco says...

I've lived in the bahamas for over 60 years and I cannot agree with Chief Superintendent of Police Skippings when she stated that we have this magnitude of fires every 3-4 years. I cannot remember until recently that we had such large scale and multiple fires throughout the bahamas. i hope to see further comments on this to give evidence that I may be incorrect. Thank you.

On Forest fire hits Coral Harbour

Posted 15 May 2024, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

sherco says...

Not another fly-by-nighter, dubious, and sketchy "investor" able to sneak in, "bamboozle" Gov't. into getting approvals and then what??? Time will tell as this man's history is definitely dodgy and he is someone to beware of!

sherco says...

This is a win-win situation for everyone: horses, drivers, Bahamian artists and whoever else may be involved in putting the rickshaws together. These rickshaws would also promote us as a compassionate country which doesn't think that the busy, polluted, hot and dangerous streets are anywhere for horses to be, much less horses that are ill kept and ill treated as many of them are that the tourists see.

sherco says...

Perhaps that Bureau would at least answer their phones and emails!
Re Surrey Horses: The drivers in general do not care about their horses and this will not change. In this day and time, no horse should be enslaved to pulling a heavy broken down carriage with make-shift harnessing, in tropical heat, breathing unregulated exhaust fumes, maneuvering through congested traffic, loaded with too many people and overweight ones at that. The horses go from one hell to the next and even if they had proper stabling, they never have a chance to run free in a pasture and graze as they were intended to do. This torture "tourist attraction" needs to come to an end, permanently. These drivers need self-pedaled rickshaw surreys that other touristy cities use. Let's get rid of this cruel and inhumane trade for it speaks volumes of our morality as a country.

On Govt in talks to improve surrey industry

Posted 19 September 2013, 7:17 p.m. Suggest removal

sherco says...

I applaud the efforts of the BHS to improve the plight of the wretched surrey horses but the only lasting and real solution is to end this cruel and inhumane commerce. The world is changing and its attitude toward animal enslavement is too. The surrey trade in Nassau must end...period. Let Government buy the bicycle surreys for the drivers to drive. I'll bet money that'll happen when hell freezes over! There are electric ones least that may be feasible because all the drivers have to do is steer and not exert themselves like their poor horses must.

On Legal action threat for surrey drivers

Posted 19 September 2013, 7:01 p.m. Suggest removal

sherco says...

It is highly unlikely that the drivers are EVER going to follow any rules given them or take proper care of their animals, in even a "National Stable" setting as suggested by the Bahamas Humane Society. If the drivers aren't making enough money in this trade (as they so state) to give their horses proper stabling and care, then why don't they get out of it??? That is such a ridiculous argument as to why they can't afford proper stabling; it only shows that it is self evident that they shouldn't be in the surrey business! We need to end, once and for all, this cruelty by closing down the horse drawn surrey has been going on far too long and nothing has ever been resolved...the horses just continue their miserable and inhumane existence.

On Ultimatum over surrey horses

Posted 18 September 2013, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

sherco says...

This makes total sense. Well said Mrs. Carron! What the Bahamian public is going to be told will depend on how the Government wants it slanted...for or against drilling. I am unequivocal ly opposed to drilling in our pristine (by comparison to most of the world) environment. Oil spills happen all of the time all over the world but they are covered up by the oil companies. We need to invest in renewable and clean energy solutions, not planet killing fossil fuels that will devastate our islands. Please continue to stand strong on this vital issue. There is not one oil company on this earth that will not alter, twist, and obscure the truth to present a rosy picture of the benefits of drilling. Beware Bahamians, a wolf in sheep's clothing is at your door.

On No referendum for oil drilling

Posted 13 September 2012, 10:35 p.m. Suggest removal

sherco says...

Isn't it time some legislation with real teeth in it is passed to regulate the conch fishing industry? Come on, Mr. Christie, open your eyes to a very real and serious looming problem with our conch population and do something. act now please, before it is too late.

On Future of conch trade in doubt

Posted 12 September 2012, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

sherco says...

I, As a Bahamian, and someone deeply concerned about our marine environment, fully support the remarks of Mrs. Duncombe. How lucky our country is to have someone as committed to preserving our unique (in this whole world) environment. She brings the real issues to the forefront and demands accountability from everyone...not just platitudes and promises but real, unbiased, and independent facts that will prove the environmental viability of what is being proposed; be it developments, oil exploration and all such matters. Bahamians deserve to know what is really at stake when it comes to such a terrifying thought as drilling for oil in our waters. Oil companies do not care about anything but profits and will say and do anything to further their agenda. Beware Bahamians...a wolf in sheep's clothing is at our door.

On 1,400 sign anti-oil petition

Posted 12 September 2012, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal

sherco says...

You sure got that right Kalypsoisland! Sadly so.

On Union president backs oil driller

Posted 3 August 2012, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal