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shinez says...

And that last message was to Bahamasand

shinez says...

So when someone is choking the shit out of you and trying to kill u what are u gonna do tell them to stop so u can call the police.. or better yet are u just gonna lay there and die... know your facts he said when he takes her home he was gonna kill her... oh that's right your going off this media BS... cause u know so damn much just wait until it happens to You

shinez says...

I wish ppl would see that there is so much more to this story

shinez says...

Thank I agree!!!!

shinez says...

Ummm my cousin Jessie was born and raised in boston dummy!!!!

shinez says...

I know what went on in their marriage cause I'm blood (family).. that should have never happen to him. But like I said before she has tried everything to fix it even with the abuse. I totally agree with the thou shall not hit woman rule and he didn't obey. My family has being trying to help her get though this for years but with all his threats we were scared too. They moved away and tried to make it work but he wouldn't stop. On the night of his death, he was still beating her, in public with no mercy. She defended herself. Some of u ppl on here could be in the same situation, weather it be an abusive husband or a complete stranger, but if some is choking the life out of you, your only thoughts is I don't wanna die like this. You would die or u u would fight back to defend yourself. In her case enough was enough. This man wanted her dead and no matter what u say walking away was not an option cause he always found her and beat her some more. Obviously the authorities wasn't any help. So again put yourself in my cousins shoes and picture yourself about to die and leave your kids behind with this abusive man wtf would u have done!!! Like I said it wasn't right but it happened and it still hurts her until this day, but she's still alive and here for her kids which their don't have to go though the abuse anymore either.. so never judge if u don't know the facts

shinez says...

My cousin has been through enough with this man. I feel bad that it happen that way, But he has abused her for many many years and she tried everything to save her marriage (even moving away from her family) to try and make a life for her family. Don't let this article fool you, he was beating the shit out of her and she was dealing with it until she snapped!! So before u Judge someone know what the hell they've been through, cause if the shoe was on the other foot and he was choking the life out of u what would be your next move????