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singaton says...

It seems like yesterday when i grabbed a microphone and took to the stage and sang my heart out for a party that i trult believed in ......but just like everyone else i was hoodwinked bammboozled run a muck and lied to. This govt clearly cares for its personal agenda and we the people are gonna have to suck it up deal with it or wait for a miracle . if the magnificant seven or eight MP's that are really not i favour of Mr Christie leading this country or the PLP then they should stop being ballsless and put forward a vote of no confidence despite the political repercussions. Branville stood up to a giant of a man in Hubert Ingraham and true Mr Mcartneys word he beat may ask how did he do this and he lost his seat, well its quite simple he said to Mr. Ingraham in the house of assembly i may not be here but you wont either.....where is mr Ingraham today GONE,though by choice the fact is because of Branvilles interfernce it cost the FNM thousands of votes therefore forcing mr. Ingrahams hands into retirement so you see people there are some Fitzgeralds,Pinders,Majors,Rolles, Dorsettes,and the like that are not in favour of a Christie led govt but will they stand up for what is right ,will they stand up for the people that elected them for the future of our beloved country or will they become as they say in showbiz a one hit wonder it remains to be the end of the day one thing ios for sure The plp is not they only thing we should want............