Comment history

slim242 says...

I am so disappointed in The Bahamas track team. Question I want to know, what happened to Ramon Miller. These coaches just don't learn. Team Jamaica could have done so much better but baton changes mess them up. Learn Bahamas form other country experience, and move on. These young athletes need more help from the Bahamas government, the athletes are trying but they need the extra push.

On [img/photos/2014/05/23/relays_big.jpg]

Posted 25 May 2014, 10:12 p.m. Suggest removal

slim242 says...

@sheeprunner12, you are so correct.

On Bahamas storms into men's 4x400 final

Posted 25 May 2014, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

slim242 says...

Great run Team Jamaica in the men 4 by 200 event. Wanted to see Shelly Ann Frasier Pryce, really disappointed in the women 4 by 100 final by the Jamaican ladies. More than hurt by the Bahamas 4 by 400 for women team. Excellent run Golden Knights, beautiful, beautiful race.


Posted 24 May 2014, 9:36 p.m. Suggest removal

slim242 says...

So proud to be which Bahamian, you speak more Patios than Jamaica Prime Minister, Portia Simpson Miller.

On Ready for the world

Posted 23 May 2014, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

slim242 says...

He is just plain arrogant and too full of himself.

slim242 says...

Mr. Bowstick you are in my prayers, in my heart you are being framed, but let due justice take its course. This too shall pass and I know you love to read your Bible and pray, now is the time to be reading and praying even more. Be strong my friend.

slim242 says...

Wow, this sounds like the wild wild west.

slim242 says...

Is Breezy a cross between Danny Johnson and BJ Nottage, he surely looks like them.

slim242 says...


On Police 'beat my brother'

Posted 30 April 2014, 12:20 p.m. Suggest removal

slim242 says...

The swimmers did great, the athletes did not do as great as the swimmers and they weren't even congratulated for trying, but the swimmers made front page. Yes we made history with the swimmers, but we must encourage the athletes to do better next time around as they always do good. Its just like a mother telling one child who did well that is great and the other one who did not do so well nothing. We are to encourage our athletes.