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smallbiz says...

Thank God he was Tal. Think if they stabbed him a few more times.

Maybe its time to give the law abiding citizens the right to protect themselves. Cause everyone knows the criminals aint applying for no license.

smallbiz says...

I am all for food security but does this sound familiar - BahamasAir. A government run subsidy that doesn't have to balance a budget or worry about running up a 5, 10, 15 million dollar deficit. But don't worry associates are making 30K for six months. Maybe I should close shop and start farming.

Instead of wasting 100 million to build a bunch of shoddy dorms, maybe they should have just invested in the farmers that are already running a business. Instead they are going to directly compete against them....

On BAMSI chief slams farmer ‘nonsense’

Posted 14 March 2016, 7:11 a.m. Suggest removal

smallbiz says...

Chucky - That is a great statement. The only problem is that a long time resident billionaire family did invest his money in the Bahamas and in Bahamian Art, and a Bahamian Team, but behold the government sold him out for the Chinese. Baha Mar sits dead. What happen to the idea of getting Bahamian contractors to finish it? Nothing.

smallbiz says...

c'mon tribune, yall need either clarify or do some investigations as to why this sounds do wrong -

"The goal of the campaign was to secure sufficient funds - $164,000 - to purchase eight modern dialysis machines for Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH)."

'The Tribune initiative helped raise a total of $341,000 and from that six machines were procured - four for PMH and two for the Rand Memorial Hospital in Grand Bahama.'

This looks like some PLP math, you wanted to purchase 8, you received more than twice the amount of money need for 8 machines so you only purchased 6???? Please explain this disaster of the facts??

smallbiz says...


BEC has a total installed capacity of 438MW in New Providence and the Family Islands (BEC Website)

One Solar Farm in the US can produce 550 MW and will be finished at a cost of 1.45 billion, which would be free Electricity for the Bahamas for the next 20 years (Wiki - Desert Sunlight Solar Farm).

Even though this is just the generation side of electricity it would mean: No fuel surcharge, no generator failures, no renting equipment at 50 million a year for someone to get kickbacks. Countries are building these farms at 500 mw, 750 mw, 1000 mw, 2000 mw. (Wiki - List of photovoltaic power stations).

I mean the thought of getting rid of the fuel surcharge might not be liked by our new Sir Frankie but hey, that would involve change and being proactive - not the most common in our land.

Thoughts? Arguments?

smallbiz says...

Young Bahamians see this and all they can see is quick free money, just like oil, robbing, or free government hand outs. While they are at it, they should sue the African families that enslaved them and first sold them to the white man. But of course there is no money in Africa so it's not worth it. Get off ya ass and get to work.

smallbiz says...

Please do not make ignorant comments and do a little research first....…

smallbiz says...

Other than referring to the "FNM mess", Roberts does not mention a specific problem. Has anyone been able to point out what the report has shown to be wrong doing on anyones behalf? I havent seen anything to that affect yet? Seems to be more smoke and BS on the PLP part

smallbiz says...

No wonder lawyers charge so much. It takes them 15 pages for something that can be summed up in a paragraph.

On Open letter from Keod Smith

Posted 2 May 2013, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

smallbiz says...

Are they promoting corruption with these words, "these are matters that are between employers and employees and the department." Is this government off their rocker? Someone please remind the government they work for the public and everyone has a right to know what they are doing.