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soamuzed says...

I bet Regatta would not generate more revenue than carnival. The word carnival speaks for itself. The Bahamas is already a destination with proper marketing this could be a pot of gold for the commonwealth. Give it a chance and see.

soamuzed says...

The world know of Carnival because we have it in Trinidad, Brazil, London, Toronto, Miami, New York, Jamaica, Grenada, St. Vincent and the list goes on. Why are you tripping. A few years ago I was in Abaco for the Heritage Festival and the RBPF Band played the US national anthem before the Bahamian own and no one said any thing but now you all up in arms with carnival and calling it foreign. 4th of July and Halloween is foreign too but you all celebrate it.

soamuzed says...

Thisisours, you are funny The Bahamas does not have a mind of its own. You all are the puppy dogs of the US, full of US cars, using departments instead of ministries, grades instead of standard or forms. Carnival is a people culture that derived from slavery. It's amazing that you all go crazy when a DJ jams "Lucy" . You all are so closed minded that you fail to see the potential revenue this could generate for the Bahamas. Carnival is a market and not that junk called "Junkanoo"