Comment history

solejordan says...

the simpliest of laws we cant/dont want to enforce?

if this was the states im sure this guy would have been fine and locked up the first day

On 'Four and a half years of noise and stink'

Posted 8 September 2014, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

solejordan says...

why are we not going after the Floating Power Plant which will cost nothing to install and lower the costs?

I know because brainless Christie and his baffons want to keep Wilson and the boys sitting high off the hog. stupidity at it's finest. Look out for the ppl not a certain few

solejordan says...

all of them needs a good SLAP back into reality, i mean really hire more ppl for what?

everything these days is oh i need to form a committee for the committee of that committee to look into this committee. enough stupidness already

solejordan says...

won't this man shut up already and retire

On PM hits back at backbenchers

Posted 21 August 2014, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

solejordan says...

this is a bunch of foolishness. whose going to pay for my ruined appliances? 40+ years and we cant keep the lights on fully, just excuse after dumb excuse

solejordan says...

why dont u, leslie , christie, shane and wells to the right thing as well and resign.

you guys aren't any different actually worst

solejordan says...

so at $35 a week u choose not to pay rent? Then when the bill piles up u get evicted and say oh they aint looking out for the small man since things hard.

pay your bills simple. stop acting like the government no matter who owes you something.

On Vendors evicted at Straw Market

Posted 14 July 2014, 11:59 a.m. Suggest removal

solejordan says...

110 murders now with 2 pending from andros and god knows how many still un-classified for the year. We pretty much broke the record again yet politricks sit on their behind and will tell us "all is safe and crime is down"

On Two men dead after shootings

Posted 26 December 2013, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

solejordan says...

Mother Pratt cant be serious. really? more time? crime has been out of control, we need solutions NOW, not more time to give. too many innocent ppl are losing their lives over foolishness

On 'Urban Renewal 2.0 must be given time to work'

Posted 20 December 2013, 7:05 p.m. Suggest removal

solejordan says...

the government and successive governments need to stop placing blame on each other.

your in office now so instead of acting like children fix the problem because you are hurting everyone by playing this dumb blame game.

if you cant lead the country then vacate office and let someone with balls and courage lead the country