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sonyabahamas says...

Justice Isaacs ruled for the facility to be closed down, and restored to its original state. The government were not permitted to simply instate the permits that were missing from the original action in retrospect - i know, because I built the case from the ground up in partnership with reEarth.

The welfare of the dolphins was pivotal to the case and the Government were found to be in breach of the Marine Mammal Protection Act by permitting dolphins to be kept in sub standard pens that did not meet regulatory standards - the dolphins remain in those pens today.

As this breach is ongoing,there needs to be a plan in place to house the dolphins in a safe environment that is fitting for captive bred dolphins...this question was never addressed in the original hearing and is now, unfortunately, being battled out in court. If the dolphins stay here then the BC facility stays open...this cannot be good for the Bahamas or the movement to end captive dolphin facilities here.