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sotiredoftal says...

I wonder how much of this goes to him and his cronies....

sotiredoftal says...

I guess that relative that put her out feels a heavy weight lifted now that she's dead. I know someone that used to date her, sometimes family aint s***.

sotiredoftal says...

I think your mother is a village bicycle which is why you are a pathetic nutcase because she has a mixture of all the disease infested sperm she didn't manage to swallow while she was on her knees mixed in with her AIDS infested eggs to make something like you. lol. And based on this complete nonsense youre always spewing Im officially convinced the retard is you. BTW bitch, I don't vote for none of these useless parties, and find something a bit more interesting to say when youre talking to intelligent folk, F***shot.

sotiredoftal says...

I think you're a complete idiot. Every stinking news story somehow becomes politicized. You're quite the epitome of brainwashed, just read these ridiculous rants that are completely irrelevant to this topic. This government isn't doing a bit damn better and in some areas are WORST. Sheesh, TalRussell almost caused me to stop reading news stories with comments to them for this same sh**. You are definitely carrying this dumb torch now.

sotiredoftal says...

Yes he was human, so the guy he allegedly killed was not then? Or the people he allegedly injured? How about this, for him to be on trial for this alleged murder (in addition to the other lies they're making up about him right?), shouldn't there be a significant amount of evidence to support this? Mind you now, I know of cases of a miscarriage of justice, but this gentleman's plight seems to not fall under that category. I know this sounds harsh, but sometimes people cannot carry the weight of the shadows hanging over them left by the things they have done to people.

On UPDATED: Murder accused found dead in cell

Posted 30 April 2015, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

sotiredoftal says...

I couldn't agree with both of these comments more. Furthermore,why is the consulting firm meeting with religious leaders instead of government officials? The christian council needs to focus on the issues that are directly pertinent to its purpose first. Like figure out why so many RICH pastors have so many poor church members? Weeding out pulpit pedophiles preying on boys and girls... i mean the list goes on. Stay out of Government Matters and Politics, they don't mix well with Religion. Also, what credentials you have to be addressing such a matter anyways?

sotiredoftal says...

This is no surprise.... for years I've known of many horror stories stemming from the lack of professionalism, care and work ethic of SOME of these heartless dogs they call staff at PMH.
Case 1: My best friends' mom went in for gall stone removal, mysteriously dies, no explanation.
Case 2: My human resources manager mom went in for some kind of simple surgery, big otherwise healthy, strong woman, dead.. no explanation although i think there's a court case pending.
Case 3: My cousin got in a bad boat accident on Abaco, had to be airlifted to Nassau, I went to see him expecting to meet him in a hospital bed on a ward, he was still laying on a gurney in a hallway, bleeding from his ears, nose and mouth, upper and lower jaw broken, excruciating pain, internal bleeding...etc... chile I had to cough up $700 for him to receive medical attention before he died in that hallway. I wish only the worst for those nurses that were sitting there gossiping and snacking. And get this, I was so upset and crying looking at him, that I fainted, and wen I came to, they were still there ignoring him. I had to start kicking up a fuss.
Case 4: I was pregnant, desperately went there to make sure I wasn't leaking amniotic fluid, I was 27, but I look 18. So they treat me like those poor young girls that are in there that they talk to like dogs until I informed the big fat lazy one at the desk that I'm not tolerating no nonsense because Im a BIG grown woman. They checked their bad attitudes with me, even though I was pissed they had me sitting there 7 hours before they check for leaking fluid, but continued to belittle and intimidate the young girls.
Case 5: A friend of mines got hit with a stray bullet, hes from Farrington Road, but I could hear a nurse saying "let him lay there in pain for lil while, these Bain Town and Kemp Road fellas to like commit crime bout and wan be acting like baby when they get shoot and stab." Thing is, hes never shot nor stabbed anyone, or even been to court for that matter.

If I have an emergency, PMH is the LAST place I'd like to go, because It would probably be the last place I see.

And BTW there are many more stories... but I don't have time to write a book.

sotiredoftal says...

I think this man is crazy... constantly vying for attention. He may have went to court for nothing but he enjoyed the publicity. I am tired of hearing about and from this lunatic.

sotiredoftal says...

Oh shut the hell up.... im tired of seeing this bulldog chin in the papers....let alone read his views.

sotiredoftal says...

Does he ever stop airbagging? Id rather listen to rhetoric from the other members of the FNM than endure Minnis' opinion and statements. I know hes the 'lone ranger' of the FNM but there are other members that can spew the blaming garbage he does - lets hear from them. The party should be renamed MNM for Minnis n' Minnis... smt... ill certainly be scrolling past any articles that hes mentioned in. And this is coming from an FNM.