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spw2015 says...

Just a quick reply to "nigga mentality", when posting on a public forum I would advise doing a little research. Had you done that you would have found that contrary to your statement below,

"Meanwhile some dumd a** with no concept of how environmental ocean systems work had the great idea that saying a build up of seaweed would limit beach erosion, which is an absolute pot of cowdung"

seaweed DOES actually limit beach erosion. Just incase you are not familiar with how to use a search engine I have provided a search for you, just copy the link paste it into your browser and educate yourself.

Regardless of Mr. Lyman Pinders thoughts on collecting seaweed from the beaches the better course of action for him to take would have been to address the District Council in person and explained his position and SOLD his theory as to why this is good for the beach.…