Comment history

star says...

By now all competent and capable adults would have seen the writing on the wall. If you were not prepared or aware of this move then take responsibility and deal with it. The PM is doing what he must and is demonstrating strength and leadership.

star says...

Note that from time to time, the government will enact new taxes or increase existing taxes, without a big fanfare for the public. This means that businesses are required to in some way pay more or higher fees to the government. In a competitive market, many industries are already operating at a low profit margin with ever increasing expenses on shipping, storage, transportation, labour etc. and so must pass on at least part of these increase to the consumer.

For instance, prices increased across the board after July 2013 due to an increase in business licence fees, additional bank taxes etc. See more info here:…

According to the official VAT guide, "VAT is a tax on consumption ultimately paid by the final customer". This means that the full amount of VAT is collected in full by the government, and does not include the cost of additional administration required to properly process the implementation, collection, remittance and repayment of VAT. This is an additional cost for any company and becomes a new bill, the cost of which will be ultimately passed onto the consumer. 7.5% is collected upon importation, which must be collected by the importer and paid to the government, and then 7.5% is collected at the register and also paid to the government. The customer therefore pays much more than the 7.5% listed on the final receipt, and there is a trail of paperwork that must be completed by Bahamians who need to be paid for their time.

VAT, is the new numbers money ;-) #fastcash

star says...

Not quite getting the headline. Is there a "Police Alarm", or are the Police Alarmed?

On Police alarm at murder rate

Posted 6 January 2014, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

star says...

There is a pretty sizeable Peruvian community in Freeport. Your best bet is to go there and try to talk to them. She may still be there, chilling under the radar until she gets the call to travel. Or, she could have already gone and is in the States regrouping.

On Woman missing after vacation in Bahamas

Posted 2 January 2014, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

star says...

So what happened to the cigarettes?

star says...

This case is fishy-er than the bathroom at Potters Cay.

star says...

What "dent"? Where?

star says...

LOL! What an exercise in ignorance. Smells awfully like someone is desperate to keep their name in the press, so they're stalking Fred Smith who is gaining PR for a legitimate cause.
Possibly collecting couple dollars from anti-Bacon people. #pathetic

On Police block off beach amid row

Posted 29 April 2013, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

star says...

most home robberies are not reported. This FREE page (no one is profiting) is a great way to let the public know how frequently these home invasions are happening. These robberies are not reported on the news and usually nothing happens from the police who may be overwhelmed and barely turn up to fingerprint. Every time we mention this page, someone else says they or their neighbour, coworker, friend, family member was just robbed of laptops, flat screen TVs etc. It is an epidemic and the public needs to know how often it is happening. Clearly, there is a huge demand for stolen goods or like drugs, there would be no one to sell it to. We do not work hard to give way our earnings and we do not appreciate feeling unsafe. We want our stuff back and we want people to know robberies are happening daily right here in Nassau.…

On Crooks strike days after hero's death

Posted 30 November 2012, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal