Comment history

starlesschild says...

Do you have proof they don't pay?

starlesschild says...

Don't get why people are annoyed at the company. The company legally obtained the licenses from the Government over 10 years ago. The company then spent ten years undertaking their due diligence, while also paying money to the Government to renew the licenses.

Now the company is drilling, suddenly people are upset. I notice no-one was unhappy when the company was paying money to the Bahamian Gov't for the licenses. I tell you what, here's a few options:
1) Pay back all the money to the company which has been spent, with interest (over £100 million + interest)
2) Pay all shareholders for their shares to stop any drilling (£1/share works well)

starlesschild says...

The amount of British bashing in the chat, can't help but think if it was say the Americans, or Russians, or the Chinese how people would react differently..

starlesschild says...
starlesschild says...

If the Government didn't want oil drilling they should have not put the licenses out for tender

starlesschild says...

So the Government can sell the licenses but no-one is allowed to drill? Sounds like fraud..