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stopit says...

I do not believe Mr. Miller when he say that that list is just for courtesy calls. That is the mindset of some of our people who think that they are entitled to rape and robe the Bahamian people and tell them bold face lies. i like what PM Minnis is doing and if he continues he will surely get my vote next time.root up corruption!!!

On BPL’s elite list 'just a privilege'

Posted 19 September 2017, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

stopit says...

Social Services should not carry the blame for a government that is bankrupt of original ideas to address the problems that we face. Urban Renewal 2.0 is not anything with substance. If it were, the Madness we are experiencing not be soo high.The fact of the matter is that we have people governing us who is out of touch with the hurting people. That is why they are talking about increase taxes and, a new parliament building and, increase salaries for mp's. The citizens must speak out before this group wreck our nation.

On Minister: Social workers are the key to change

Posted 19 February 2013, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

stopit says...

The hotel union executives have been bamboozled and hood winked by a smooth operator. The Minister of Labor knew what was about to happen and, so did his BOSS. They are playing games with the hotel union because their leader will not take action against the government because of special interest. The firing of those workers are a done deal. Wait for the double talk that comes from the government.Those hotel workers are in the 98% of Bahamians who do not matter to the 2% who have the wealth. The first duty of any government is to protect it's citizens and not sacrifice them. We must never forget that they (mp), work for us (Bahamians).

On PM meets with union head over firings

Posted 14 February 2013, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

stopit says...

The Prime Minister is being guided by outside forces as well as inside ones, which want to see the 98% of us suffer. I think he is counting on the fact that we the people will never cross party lines to protect our country. A vote of no confidence in the prime minister can began from the constituency level through your Member of Parliament.They are betting that the people do not have the GUTS to sign a petition, neither will your MP take a vote of no confidence to parliament on your behalf. If we the people are not serious about our country now,tomorrow will be to late. Are you prepared to push for a vote of no confidence if the prime minister goes against the will of the people and, give themselves a pay raise and, build a pm residence to entertain at our expense? This is truly the year of the SNAKE!!! There is only one way to deal with snakes.... focus on the head......

stopit says...

I am surprise that Mr. Pinder has not cause there to be an open forum on how the Bahamas can get out of the financial mess that we now find ourselves in.The major problem that we face is our monetary system is Debt Base.To explain what i mean i would like for you to consider the following: (1) We pay HUGE sums of money just to have our money printed.We also have to pay interest on the money that is printed. Find out how much the government pays for a $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 note to be produced.We can eliminate this DEBT by doing this job ourselves. (2) The government can produce letters of credit and have them circulate in our economy for good and services, rather that going to foreign banks for credit. We can borrow from ourselves and reduce the DEBT to the country. An example of this can be found when Germany was in a crisis (1930-1933),and they created employment for their people with what was called "greenbacks". We must put all of our knowledge and know how together to save our beloved bahama land...

On Pinder praise for financial services

Posted 12 February 2013, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal

stopit says...

I would like to make a few matters clear on the recent historic victory in the Bahamas against numbers gamgling... (1) The prime minister tried to deceive the Bahamian people when he said that he had no horse in the race...(2) The numbers boss were bribing the people with, house,car,flat screen tv,money and promises. The people knew they were being used, so they turned the table on the numbers boss...(3) Every community have rules (laws),which governs that community. The constitution governs this community. The constitution says that we were founded on spiritual values and, we recognized the supremacy of GOD and, we have an abiding respect for christian values. Now those among us who do not share the values of this community can either... (A) Try to change the laws of this community.... (B) Live among us and OBEY the laws of this community... or.. (c) leave this community for a godless one.
p.s. You are FREE to leave.

On Silence over referendum is broken

Posted 7 February 2013, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

stopit says...

I find it very interesting that Mr. Munroe could get a supreme court justice to hear his injunction within one day. Mr. Ortland Bodie was denied this priviledge. Something smells!! i want the government to defend the voice of the people in court if they have to. After the court battle, i want the government to go after the ASSETS of these CRlminal bosses and deposit those monies back in our piblic treasury.We can then use thes monies to creat real industries and put an end to these speculative (gambling) industries. We must return to real industries like agriculture, fisheries, live stock, manufacturing..etc..etc. Every other nation which engaged in speculative industries (gambling or derivatives), are facing bankruptcy!!!! Wake up bahamas, these numbers bossess are nothing more than pupets being used to destroy our way of life...wake up!

On 'Injunction granted to web shop operators'

Posted 30 January 2013, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

stopit says...

With all due respect to the judicial system, I find it very strange that Wayne Munroe could get a justice of the supreme court to hear HIS injunction within ONE DAY and other persons like Mr.ortland bodie can not be afforded the same privledge.We as a people, MUST examine the actions of these justices to see if they have vested interest. Secondly the numbers boss said that they would close their doors if the vote came back as a no vote. They LIED to us on that. They also promised their followers a party after the vote.They LIED to them, it never happened. They are now going against the will of the people, and are now taking us to court.These gangsters have gone too far.I want my government to fight these criminals, and expend what ever it cost to defeat this Criminal Organization. After the government has defeated them, then go after the proceeds that they got from their criminal enterprise and put that money in the treasury to creat real industries and not speculative (gambling) industries. If the government fail to carry out the wish of the people, i will support a petition (white paper), for a vote of no confidence in the leadership and member of parliment for my area if they do nothing. no means....nooo.

On stopit

Posted 30 January 2013, 3:36 p.m. Suggest removal

stopit says...

This issue of illegal Haitian aliens coming to our shores in droves MUST be stopped. The Bahamas has done all it can for our neighbors, now it's time to look out for Bahamians.The cost of dealing with this vexing problem will cost much hardship on the bahamian people. enough is enough!!!!!!

On stopit

Posted 28 August 2012, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

stopit says...

Hello, I wish to say that woman's rights need to be protected just as much as man's rights. Having said the above we can now speak to the issue of spousal rape. Our constitution speak of equal protection under the law. The sexual offense act defines rape as sexual intercourse. Sexual Intercourse is defined as the penetration of someone. This definition does not protect the MALE in the normal sexual act because the woman is being penetrated during intercourse. Therefore a woman can never be guilty of a sexual intercourse offense where normal sex is concerned. This act goes against the constitution because it do not provide equal protection to both parties of a rape claim. This must first be fixed before a serious discussion on rape in a marriage can be had. As a Bahamian Man i have both sons and daughters, so i can not be bias on this issue. I do not want to give my daughter any more rights than my son.


Posted 4 April 2012, 11:05 a.m. Suggest removal