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sturrup2 says...

In my opinion, crime is the most debilitating impediment to improving the this country

In my opinion, crime is the most debilitating impediment to improving the many astronomical problems we are facing in this country. I believe that the home is the best place to start if The Bahamas is to ever eliminate this scourge (crime). Past administrations tried everything from social programmes (which happens to be a good thing), to drones; however the crime rate keeps going up. The only strategy that hasn't been tried is a sensible, targeted (focused) approach to fixing the fundamental cause of the crime problem. Keep the programmes that are on stream now, but let's get to the root of the problem. The minister is right!!! Focus on the Home.

sturrup2 says...

Looks like some trumpism/minnisism going on here. Just stop it!!

On sturrup2

Posted 19 September 2021, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

sturrup2 says...

BPL, is $58,000 .00 dollars enough money to offer a family of two to live comfortably in The Bahamas today? if the answer is yes, then let's try this. Reduce the salaries of all those employees making over $58,000.00 to $58,000.00, and those who make less, gove them a raise that will lift them above the povety level. I'm sure you have the capacity to work out the details. Try it....I dare you.

On sturrup2

Posted 20 August 2021, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

sturrup2 says...

"Outside pressure, threats of victimisation and offers of cash". Go to the police.

On PLP wins, but democracy loses in N. Abaco

Posted 18 October 2012, 2:11 a.m. Suggest removal

sturrup2 says...

How despicable!!! Are you insinuating that the PLP are Nazis? The Tribune's editorials are usually patronizing, however, this is a new low. How much nastier is this editorial team going to sink? Is there any level too low for you? To infer that any Bahamian would or could cause a fraction of the harm that was inflicted by Nazis on innocents, is unthinkable! Unbelievable! Dear Editor/editorial team, your comparison is simply disgraceful. In my opinion, you are now scraping the bottom of a bottomless pit. Your hate is now gone beyond the pale.

On 'We are looking out for PLPs' is the mantra

Posted 18 October 2012, 2:07 a.m. Suggest removal

sturrup2 says...

It is laughable to observe the extreme bias that mother superior spews whenever she writes about the PLP and its supporters. The hate and disdain she obviously holds for the PLP weighs so heavily on her twisted evil heart, dismisses all logic and respect for the Bahamian electorate. The people voted for their choice of the representative who would best look after their interests. Respect their decision. Why in the name of all that is holy would this arrogant woman belive that she knows what is best for the majority of voters who call Abaco home?
This "master knows best" mind-set is right out of the most ignominious era of our history. Let it go. You'll feel much better and perhaps live a little longer. Let it go.

On There is disappointment in the air

Posted 18 October 2012, 1:40 a.m. Suggest removal

sturrup2 says...

Concernedcitizen, does this post indicates your definition of higer learning?

sturrup2 says...

When one lacks a basic sense of logic, one denegrates himself by resorting to name calling. Concernedcitizen, your statements say more about you than anything else. I am not suprised though; in my view your characterization of our Prime MInister clearly exhibits the mean spirited style of one Hubert Alexander Inghram. The only difference is that HAI was not so cowardly as to hide behind a fake name.

sturrup2 says...

Isn't it just the way this discredited FNM party and its supporters think. The mindset of a jackass. "Incompetence personified" left a gigantic mess that must be cleaned up. Instead of talking about what can't work, how about putting foward some solutions. Oh I forget, in five years your solution with respect to the road improvement project was to put hundreds of small businesses out of business. Well, so it goes...

On 'Using RBDF a mistake'

Posted 10 June 2012, 6:54 p.m. Suggest removal

sturrup2 says...

It continuously amazes me how so many people idolize a person who gave cabinet information to a foreign goverment, gave control of the local economy to special intrests and Foreigners, condoned the scandalous rape of the sea park in Exuma and covertly showed contempt and total disregard for the Bahamian people (just to name a few of his indiscretions). HAI should be arrested, tried and given his just punishment for such dispicable actions. I guess some Bahamians hate he PLP more than they love their own country.