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sturrup2 says...

Anyone who carries and illegal firearm should be assumed to be willing to use the weapon for some nefarious purpose, and should be given the maximum sentence allowed by law. The claim that no harm is intended, is certainly irrelavent. Why anyone would carry an illegal deadly weapon on their person just for the fun of it is beyond me.

sturrup2 says...

Grateful Bahamian; your tearful comments regarding how HAI should be thanked for all the good things he did for PGC, The Bahamas and Bahamians. Well, HAI recieved a goodly sum of money for a job "well done" plus execellent unmatched pension benefits. The man did not do us any favours! Like any other well paid executive knows, yesterdays' performance does not cancel out todays' "mess-ups".

Perhaps you equate the highest electricity rates, the highest unemployment of young and old, the highest home foreclosures, record small business closures, record crime statistics in all areas of criminal activity, a historic national debt and most disgraceful of all, the disrespect shown to the Bahamian electorate in the handling of the BTC fiasco and the total mismanagement of the road improvement project is your idea of " much good..."

In my view, Ingrahm messed up big time, and got what any hired hand would have comming to him who demonstrates such a dismal, unproductive work record.

In the words of one Hurbert Alexander Ingrahm, which I agree with whole heartedly "...I should be voted out of office..."

Let's draw the curtain of charity over the rest of HAI's self indictment.

On Ingraham is a man to thank

Posted 4 June 2012, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

sturrup2 says...

It is amazing how some people sink to name calling when they cannot justify or explain their dilema. What a bunch of BS. Inghram is not a god. This country is bigger than any one man. The maximum leader has decided to resign, let him go in peace with his pension. This country will not fail because a dictator has been fired.

sturrup2 says...

Your analysis of Inghram's defeat is an insult to all well thinking Bahamians. It just goes to show that you are pretending to be ignorant of the facts that led to the embrassing fall of this demigod. Inghram was paid handsomely to work for the Bahamian people, and because he did not perfom as he was told to do, he was fired; just like any Government of The Bahamas will be if it betrays the will of the people. Get over it. The election is over. We have a country to build. If you don't wnat to do your part the hell with you. Rest assured you will not be missed.

On sturrup2

Posted 8 May 2012, 8:26 p.m. Suggest removal