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suckstobeyou says...

The Bahamas - a country full of homophobic ex slaves - how ironic.

As to Munroe, he is a nobody to the "civilized" world, and the same goes for all you backward people posting on this website. You want to see Tourism go away overnight? Then keep up all the homophobic talk, see how long the country lasts without support from the US, Tourism, and oh yeah, International Banks who are watching how you discriminate against other human beings (you think that Swiss bank left for some other reason, think again).

Christianity was used to discriminate against your black ancestors, and now you are using it to discriminate against others. If it was not so pathetic, it would be sad.

That said, Mitchell as a member of the government, should not have given Munroe the time of day, Mitchell was incorrect in responding to him to begin with.

Anyway, Obama supports Gay Rights, so if you don't then that means you don't support Obama, and that makes you a racist (so they say).

Now be good "Christian" bible bashing sheep and keep on hating, surely that is what Jesus would have wanted.

suckstobeyou says...

Nothing dumber than a sheep runner - except a black man that discriminates.

suckstobeyou says...

Wish him the best, and it is good to know he is not running for the party of dummies, the "Dummercrats", which are just a bunch of worthless idiots with no brains. Odumma will be ousted in the next election, and some common sense will be finally be reinstated back into the US government. God Bless America, The Bahamas, and this smart man who has more courage to do what is right than any of the morons posting hateful comments above

On Bahamian runs for US Congress

Posted 13 March 2014, 12:38 a.m. Suggest removal