Comment history

sucteeth says...

Even 3rd World countries have power .. Minnis needs to fire every top level BPL employee and hire some qualified American/Foreigner to run this company. Or better yet privatize it !!

sucteeth says...

Need to get rid of the owners of the Port first and foremost.. The 2 families have done nothing to help the island or the people .

sucteeth says...

u are a looser.. go back to picking bananas

sucteeth says...

What kind of moron would come out publicly and state something like this to implicate his agenda as well himself.. Welcome to the Bananas we sure are a 4th world country.

On Maynard on the warpath - again

Posted 6 March 2019, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

sucteeth says...

Wow.. u are such a blabbering idiot with no common sense..

sucteeth says...

First thing that needs to be done is get both Hayward and St George crooks out of any authority as they are leaches. They have destroyed Freeport with their greed and lack of reinvestment back into the island. Bunch of useless individuals parents rolling in their grave seeing how badly they ruined what they built.

On Minnis unveils Grand Bahama port revolution

Posted 5 February 2019, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal

sucteeth says...

Look at the facts they speak for themselves..

sucteeth says...

Coulson is another leftist democrat. Trump has done more for the US than ANY other president and this is a fact. Economy booming, unemployment at all time low, people off food stamps, dealing with Russia and busting China's ecomony, stock market at highs and the list could go on and on. Who gives a dam if he has had a few wives. Clinton had over 20 affairs that have been documented and payed off most of them. Obama destroyed the US and created the racial divide.

I believe Coulson should stop spewing his BS on us with no evidence to back it up..

sucteeth says...

you all are a bunch of idiots. we all know that monkeys cant drive in the bahamas. they on there phone texting putting on makeup rollin blunts and no care for anyone else.. this country is almost like haiti!!

sucteeth says...

Let one of them sissy ass police do that without his gun or officers around and I would beat the sh*t out of him.. they think since they carry a badge they are badasses but we all know they are for the most bunch of kids that got beat up all their lives and now they have a little power. lol