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suedo says...

I am not sure why you think this officer needs to be fired...under any normal review of this situation that officer had the right to use deadly force. The driver of the car used the car to hit one officer off his bike (which would be attempted murder using that vehicle as a weapon). I suspect under the rules of engagement the police can retaliate with deadly force. Instead the officer elected to disable the vehicle by shooting out the tires. He showed restraint as far as I'm concerned. You are the same citizen who cries foul until you need the police or are faced with a gun in your face coming out of your car at night.

On Suspect held, click here for video and story

Posted 25 February 2013, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

suedo says...

Hey you sick puppy, are you really this tribal in your thinking. Are you really this partisan?

suedo says...

I agree with the above comment. What I have not seen anywhere in the local papers are comments, reporting or editorials asking the question why was a 17 year old girl out at 3am?
The young girl that was shot was in fact 17 years old.....a couple of questions quickly come to mind.

1. Why was a HS student of 17yrs of age out at a club at 3am
2. Where are her parents?
3. She's 17, how did she get in the club?
4. Was she served alcohol
5. Have the authorities moved to question the owners of Club Luna as to how and why a 17yr old HS student was allowed to enter the club?
6. Have the relevant licensing authorities reviewed Club Luna's license in the wake of this

Just a few questions that pop to mind.

Its easy for us all to sit around feel anguish and fear etc...but we need to collectively tighten the screws on some of the slackness that is accepted as part of the Bahamian existence.

On Executed for killing gang pal

Posted 6 April 2012, 5:19 p.m. Suggest removal