Comment history

sugarbird says...

Nicole - I actually like a good deal of your commentary, but think you're off base on this one. Crime is a huge problem here, and this rule is in place to help prevent bank robberies. I for one have zero problems taking off my sunglasses indoors. We've gotten used to taking off shoes and belts to fly on airplanes too...sadly part of the modern world...

sugarbird says...

Sure looks like paybacks and currying favour. We'll never know who got what behind closed doors, but this whole thing smells to high heaven. My guess is that lawyers, liquidators and a few in the shadows will make out just fine, everybody else, not so much. Sad to see this so close, but yet so far.

sugarbird says...

I love the Bahamas, and have been coming here since I was a kid in the 60's. IMHO with prices like that you're going to drive out all but the very rich, and fewer businesses will survive. You could increase license fees for fishermen who don't use guides, and if you bring your own guide make the guide buy a $200/day license or something?

I really wish something concrete would be done about the illegal commercial poachers who are fishing Bahamian waters out of season, using illegal methods, and taking the catch out of the country.