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sunshinedays says...

The Bahamas water company just supplies water to the resort from its piping under Queen's Highway; it does not provide any kind of city sewer service.

For 2012, I am paying about $60 / month for my water and sewer service, which seems quite reasonable for an island like Exuma -- it would be reasonable for a large urban city in the US or Canada. That's about $720 per year. There are some owners at Palm Bay that feel entitled to get everything for free and not be responsible for any of the expenses of owning a property in an amazing place like Exuma.

I agree the above poster that taking disputes to public forums to appeal for sympathy from the Bahamian government (i.e. playing the "i'm getting treated unfairly, BUT this means that people will hate the Bahamas when they come here!" card) is a grade school tactic.

These people could install their own water lines and their own septic tanks and hire their own garbage men if they are so unhappy, but I think they pretty much realize that the costs to do these things would be ridiculously high.