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superUser says...

You are obviously not replying to my post - I never mentioned anything about Privatizing BTC, or BEC for that matter. So there is no need for you to be sorry, unless you are apologizing for confusing my post with someone elses.


Posted 24 June 2013, 9:08 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

If you dont know about deadly fumes and smoke, you obviously dont live where the average Bahamian lives.

superUser says...

You seem to be ignorant to the difference between a foreigner living in this country with TIES to our economy, and a foreign company that is brought in to do the work, only to leave and take all the earnings out of the country, out of the local economy.


Posted 24 June 2013, 8:54 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

I have NEVER collected National Insurance EVER.

As for the "new" roads, a couple "junctions" in most cases of just a few hundred feet of asphalt that took them 100 times longer and more money than it should have, much of which is already dug up and full of holes, and which had to be repainted since the clowns doing it had no clue. And there are thousands of other more important main roads yet to do, but no more money left after the FNM government screwed it all up.

I dont get paid by Bahamians, since the FNM, and now the PLP, and fools like you outsource all skilled labor to foreigners (or your political cronies) - so I dont need your "tourist" dollars, thats for the dummies that are left over when we all leave this place in the state of Idiocracy which you and yours have created.

I dont use cell phones but if I did, certainly you cannot claim that PAPA is responsible for cellphone technology, when the dummy doesnt even know what a hologram is.

As for the haitian hospital, you can keep it.

Whats hilarious is that you are using the same argument the PLP use when you people talk about the OLD PLP and they respond with how king ping (king papas Mentor) built this school and that hospital and freed the Black man ... etc.

You are yet another very funny papabot ..
a brainwashed minion for life, it seems.


Posted 24 June 2013, 8:45 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

Graduation and Prom are American things, we are (unfortunately) still somewhat British, and they have none of that - so you people crying over not having these rather useless shenanigans are simply living in denial - grow up and go get a job and learn what it takes to be an adult, move on with your life.. As for being Christians, I bet most of them are on Twitter acting like "tugs" and doing "selfies". Bahamian Culture now = American Culture.

superUser says...

Did you notice how Brent's Nephew bought a failing alarm company just in time to win the $4.6 million CCTV bid - which in turn they outsourced to White Foreigners from the Cayman Islands. Total parts approx $100,000 if you bought it yourself (RETAIL), so you figure out how much they made. And it was supposed to be completed in 3 months (last year) but only approx 75 cameras are working to date - they cite issues with BTC and BEC - if they hired local consultants (who weren't moonlighting from their chicken shack job) and not foreign consultants ($75K just for that), they would have known about these issues ahead of time. And now they are asking for $1 million more, and this is still just phase 1. The PLP are just as much to blame though, they continued this project instead of stopping it, when they claim they "believe in Bahamians". By hiring the foreign companies, the FNM (and now the PLP) basically said all Bahamians are dumb animals and White foreigners are worth more than a Bahamian - thanks FNM, and PLP. Any smart skilled workers left in the Bahamas are sure to not hang around while you destroy this country even more than it already is. Traitors.


Posted 24 June 2013, 8:16 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

Its amazing how these wannabe environmentalists have nothing to say about all the deadly fumes and smoke the average Bahamian has to inhale every day - yet they cry about things that don't affect the average Bahamian and yet expect the average Bahamian to give a crap. Quite laughable really. But hey, whatever tickles their fancy.

superUser says...

Studies? This is not school. And actually the facts speak for themselves - Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US and yet has more gun crimes that similar cities with relaxed gun laws. Its pretty simple really. BUT, I still believe they should certainly do background and mental health checks on anyone in the Bahamas applying for ANY gun license - too many dumb psychopaths in this little lawless country.

On Businessman shoots would-be robber

Posted 24 June 2013, 7:57 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

How christian of you.

On Businessman shoots would-be robber

Posted 24 June 2013, 7:53 p.m. Suggest removal

superUser says...

You would need to have the law changed then, because shotguns are only licensed for hunting pigeons and must be kept unloaded and locked away in a gun safe whenever you are not on a hunt - and ofcourse hand guns are totally illegal (unless you know someone special).

On Businessman shoots would-be robber

Posted 24 June 2013, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal