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sweptaway says...

round trip to Nassau from Abaco already 225 they stretch the truth on everything with the vat and have to feed the pig fees It used to be.160 long time ago.trips to the states have gone up 100 bucks on average too!

sweptaway says...

T ax all the jobless into oblivion !that's how you do it .Are you all that ……...crickets.

sweptaway says...

welcome to Chicago Bahamas

sweptaway says...

They got those 10,000 swab test that those pesky folks they snuck in under total lockdown hidden under all the FEMA stuff for Abaco and Grand Bahama

On 'We’re not doing enough COVID testing'

Posted 12 June 2020, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

you want children over two years old tested to travel? Stick that swab up your nose into your eardrum and get back to me . As being tested to travel the swab has to be driven up into your sinus 2 inches ! It is not for the faint hearted.

On 'We’re not doing enough COVID testing'

Posted 12 June 2020, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

you are correct ! It's .00026 % of the population .

On 'We’re not doing enough COVID testing'

Posted 12 June 2020, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

2017 a white women was shot by a black policeman in the same town ! He never left his patrol car and shot her out the window ! She was unarmed and had reported a disturbance in the area.No riots and he got 12 years in jail .I guess it wasn't sensational enough for CNN to report!
The TV is your worst enemy as the computer for starting trouble with no consequence .

sweptaway says...

Vivid imagination !

sweptaway says...

horse dooky if you living on a sail boat 10 years ,you don't do nothing but steal paper towel and toilet paper from marina bathrooms ! Cheapest people ! And complain to being Stuck on your million dollar sail boat !

sweptaway says...

Well ,I guess the cars were closer than 6 feet apart! beep your horn once for yes ,beep twice for no !