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sweptaway says...

China stacked up body's like cord wood but you will never know!

On US was the worst prepared for virus

Posted 3 April 2020, 9:12 a.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

to all the sheeples out there Fredo is not going to change anything !Your past presidents all democrat mind you all go down in flames Obama and Benghazi .The Arab spring, golfing during the H1N! crisis, ,the Utube video. William Jefferson Clinton Somali Black hawk down and the stained blue Dress .Jimmy Carter and the gas rationing and the hostage crisis in Iran by the way Iran was so scared of Reagan mind you they released the hostages the day of his inauguration .So then we come to JFK Democrat's shot their own as he was to conservative for them back in 1963 .So every time America falls for a Democrat for president it takes a Republican his whole presidency to straighten out the amateurs .You should take a lesson from America Obama taxed medical Devices and now there are shortages ! Now president Trump has to enact the war powers act and has Ford and other manufactures step up to the plate and build medical devices! Next !

sweptaway says...

wonder if you going to quit taking vat out of what little money we got in the bank e3very month ?

sweptaway says...

no expats here no money either no wire no hardware poles laying on the ground since last October !power plant on main road in shambles and no body working on it .but not all bad news ,a fleet of new trucks so they can ride around and sit in AC and browse the phones .
this is exactly what you get when the Government owns the utility and Union labor is in charge! No one is held accountable and the utility is 350 million dollars in debt! !So 400 million people all owe the BPL 1million each ! stand in line and pay those bills!

sweptaway says...

Oh it must be true if it's on the internet! ha ha ha !

sweptaway says...

And meanwhile your chosen one Andrew Gillum ,the democrat that ran for governor in Florida, was found with two men in a hotel in Miami last night with meth and Naked! One man had OD
Andrew say he wish private time for him and family as he try to explain to his wife why he on the down low ….bungee style!

sweptaway says...

Trump is not a politician and does not fit your criteria of free stuff and abortion at birth and a whole myriad of other issues you deem normal in your none Christion beliefs .But what he ran for president on he is doing unlike your democrat friends who have been in office 40 something years and have nothing to show for their time except becoming millionaires complaining about other millionaires So quit trying to blow smoke up our arses as America is prospering again and you need to get a life!

sweptaway says...

buy one get one free !Our lucaya

On AG: Entrepreneur 'extremely selfish'

Posted 2 March 2020, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

One of the best thing to happen ! There are over 6000 rigs in the gulf of Mexico .The estuary that has been created for marine life is like nothing a marine biologist could dream .Off shore fishing is the best in the world there and instead of the Bahamians being potcake ,handle the income correctly and don't let the country turn into another Venezuela there can be many benefits !