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sweptaway says...

At a crash rate of 1 drone a day ,that's not two months worth of droning .and they probably wont last that long.

On The $17m drones

Posted 6 January 2020, 11 a.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

You left out the part about the 150 million in cash on a pallet your chosen one
Obama gave the Iranians . I guess that is your idea of fruitful . On another note ,there will be no virgins for the distinguished general as Hugh Heffner has beaten them to whatever place they deem their notorious selves as salvation .

sweptaway says...

them thing will be up in smoke faster than a BPL generator

On Dames defends $17m cost of drones

Posted 19 December 2019, 8:32 p.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

no we buy some drones instead !any body know how to fly these thing?

On $30m 'scar' in doing business with govt

Posted 19 December 2019, 8:25 p.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

@ Proud you watch too much CNN Commie News Network

sweptaway says...

sorry to inform you ,the last economic crash was brought to you by senator Frank Dodd and congressman Barny Frank.
The Mortgage crisis which started under and signed by none other than the great white black president William Jefferson Clinton.. Together they sold more bad mortgages and bundled and sold to banks around the world.
you could buy a home with no money down and no job .
Does any of that ring a bell ?Do your home work !
Last I remember the Bahamas is buddy buddy with more dictataters then Trump will ever be .Cuba for one and they are going to change the name of Bay Street to Mao Sie Tung Blvd.
anything else?

sweptaway says...

America is booming and bringing a lot of money to the cash drawers of the Bahamas tourism.
Amazing after the drivel under the Obama years and being told that 1% growth was the new norm.
Every move Trump has done was for the people ,Not for the politicians!
The man does not even take a pay check .
He has been given the highest awards from the Black communities for his great works in improvished neighborhoods .
long before he decided to run for president .
Jesse Jackson ,Al Sharpton , Bill Clinton to name a few all rubbed elbows with the man.
Putting prosperity and jobs back in the factory's and businesses of America is First and foremost
in his administration!
Do you like it better when America is doing poorly ?
They say when America gets the Flu the Bahamas catches Pneumonia so don't be so happy or you will be be enjoying the snots.

sweptaway says...

Do these guys lay awake at night and dream up this bunch of nonsense !7 million ?

On $17m drone deal takes crime fight to the sky

Posted 17 December 2019, 8:02 a.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

Perfect !

sweptaway says...

Amazing how the Bahamian govt does not maintain anything from vehicles to buildings and then spend other peoples money like water to fix it .